Chapter 14

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The next morning, I was sitting on the couch in sweats and a tank top watching a recorded episode of Twisted on Aunt Karen’s flat screen TV in the living room, when the doorbell rang.

Sighing, I stood up to answer it, figuring it was probably my parents coming back from their lunch date. I shuffled across the floor on my bare feet, turning the knob and opening the door wide. My eyes went wide when I realized that the two people standing on the other side of the door most definitely weren’t my parents.

“Surprise!” Jai and Isabel exclaimed in unison, big smiles on their faces.

I squealed and ran into their arms, all three of us jumping up and down. “Oh my gosh,” I said, once we let go of each other. “What are you guys doing here?”

“We wanted to see you, of course,” Isabel answered, her smile still apparent on her face.

“But I thought you were in Florida.”

“I was, but we got back last weekend. So, with the help of your parents and Jai’s dad, we hopped on a plane and came here.”

“You guys did all that for me?” I gushed at them, my hand on my heart.

“Well…” Jai said, dragging out the word with a bit of a sheepish look on her face. “We did come to see you, of course, but we also kinda came here to meet Andrew too.”

My eyebrows shot up to meet my hairline. “Oh, um… okay then. You two make me feel so loved.” I was being sarcastic of course, but Jai smiled at me in a way that made me know she missed my sarcasm. “Uh, anyway, come on in.” I moved out of the doorway to let them in.

They scrambled past me, dropping their duffels on the floor and looking around the room. Jai was spinning in a circle slowly, trying to pick up every detail in the room. Honestly, she looked like a dog chasing her tail in slow motion.

Footsteps thundered on the stairs and moments later Andrew was standing in front of us in a t-shirt and sweats. He ran a hand through his disheveled hair, giving it a messy look in a sexy way. The gray t-shirt he was wearing was just fitted enough to see the outline of his abs, and his biceps were exposed from the short sleeves of his shirt.

Jai and Isabel chose a good day to see Andrew.

Not having noticed my friends yet, Andrew regarded me with a smile before heading into the direction of the kitchen. Then, right before he crossed the threshold of the kitchen, he stopped abruptly and slowly turned around, his eyes landing on the two dazed girls behind me. “Why are there two extra people standing behind you?” He asked, eyebrows knit with confusion.

“These are my friends Isabel and Jai,” I introduced, gesturing to each drooling girl. “Um, guys,” I now said to them. “This is my boy—Andrew. Um, this is Andrew.” I could feel my face go up in flames. I know he’s my boyfriend, and my friends know he’s my boyfriend, but it still feels unnatural coming from my mouth.

Andrew offered them a small wave, in which they giggled and waved back. Their odd flirty behavior was something I was definitely not used to seeing.

“So you’re the famous Andrew,” Jai said, stalking closer to Andrew in a way that I’m sure she thought was intimidating, but really wasn’t.

“Um, yeah, I guess,” Andrew replied, confusion clear on his face.

“I’ve heard so much about you,” she continued to move her gold-sandaled feet towards him, and I knew that she was about to embarrass me. “All I have to say is that you better treat my friend right, or I swear I will—“

“Alright,” I said, interrupting her before she got out of hand. Although, now that I think about it, it’s probably too late for that. “You two can go drop your stuff in my room and settle in or whatever. I’ll be there in a second. It’s the third door on the left.”

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