Chapter 22

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This chapter is dedicated to @purplewafflebria since she's so awesome and like a sister to me! Seriously though, she's totes hilarious so go follow her!

*Picture above is Andrew! Isn't he hot? ;)*


You know those times when you're put in such awkward positions that you don't really know what to say or do? Everyone else around you is so silent and tense, creating a thick atmosphere around you. Well, that's exactly what I'm being put through right now.

I look between John and Lindsey with worry in my eyes. I was counting down the seconds until they exploded at each other. The three of us are currently standing in the middle of my living room, unspoken words piling up in our mouths. John and Lindsey have been staring at each other blankly for the past ten minutes without saying a word, and I'm in between them, praying that I don't get caught in an emotional tornado.

When Lindsey first arrived on our doorstep, it's safe to say that John nearly passed out. Lindsey was on our porch with a white sundress on and brown sandals. Her hair was down in long, wavy locks, and her makeup was done to perfection. In other words, she looked like a goddess. I'm sure she did this to make John more vulnerable, which--unfortunately--worked. As hard as he's tried to keep it together, I can tell that John is about to crack just by the way he's been nervously biting his lip and straining to keep his eyes on her face. It's pretty sad actually.

Lindsey hasn't exactly explained why she's here, which has both John and me completely and utterly nervous. Whatever it is, it must not be too personal, because neither have asked me to leave.

Suddenly, Lindsey takes a deep breath and looks John square in the eye. "I'm sorry." The words come out loud and clear, seeming to leave in echo.

John freezes, and I can hear his heartbeat thud in his chest from where I'm standing. It seems that he can't form words, because all he does is gulp, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down.

"I'm absolutely, truly sorry, John," Lindsey continues. "I don't think you understand how sorry I am, because I'm the worst with apologies, but I'm going to try anyway. I really, really care about you--"

"If you care about me so much then why did you break up with me?" John's voice comes out soft and calm, but I can see his mind whirling.

Lindsey ran a hand through her hair, sighing. "It wasn't you, it was me. And I know that's a really cheesy line that people use as an excuse for breaking up with someone, but I'm telling the truth. You didn't do anything wrong, I just felt guilty."

"For what?" John questions, shoving his hands into his pockets.

Dead silence once more.

Lindsey shifts uncomfortably on her feet, looking anywhere but at John. She crosses her arms over her chest while she seems to be contemplating what she should say. Due to her silence, John scratches his neck, looking like he's going to take off at any moment now. And then there's me, standing there awkwardly, waiting for someone to speak.

Just when I'm about to ask Lindsey to leave if she's not going to speak, the doorbell sounds through the silence.

"I'll get it," I say, making a beeline for the door, forever grateful to the person who got me out of that awkward situation. Swiftly opening the door, I come face-to-face with Mason. My boyfriend. Mason is my boyfriend. I sigh dreamily in my head, loving that I can use 'Mason' and 'boyfriend' in the same sentence without it being 'I wish Mason was my boyfriend.'

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