watty's 2016

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hey guys! long time no...speak, I guess? hello hi how ya been? I just have two quick things to say to you guys.
1. you may have noticed I took Unbroken down, unless you never read that then you probably didn't notice. I took it down simply because I am pretty serious about that story, and I didn't want to risk people stealing it before I could finish getting my bearings together ya know? so yeah, until I get published or get bored with it, it'll stay down. sorry :/

2. this is very very last minute, because I just found out about this like five minutes ago, but I HAVE ENTERED THE WATTY AWARDS!!! okay so I've literally never entered before, but I just decided why the heck not? so I did :))). and I'd really really appreciate it if you guys could take the time and vote for me pretty please 😊 (if that's even how it works I literally know nothing). you guys have just been so so supportive of me this whole time, so I'd really truly appreciate your votes! if you do vote for me, message me and I will either a) give you a shoutout or b) you can request for me to write a short story or poem customized just for you, or dedicate my next piece of writing to you and I will do it with the biggest smile on my face 😁😁. I know we can do this guys, because you're all the best!!
as always, the one and only,
Cupcake_Queen13 (wow it's been too long)

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