Part X

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"He can't see the smile I'm faking,
And my heart's not breaking,
'Cause I'm not feelin' anything at all,"

After sneaking back into my house, I quickly called Al and told him we should hang out today. He insisted upon me coming to his house, and I protested, but finally gave in.

Only after I hung up did I realize what I was planning on doing.

I was going to break up with Al.

This was a horrible idea. How was I going to break up with him? What was my excuse, when he has been nothing but a perfect gentlemen?

Soon enough, I'm over at Al's house an instead of going up to the door, breaking the news to him, and leaving, I somehow let myself go inside and now we were playing his XBox.

I'm such a coward.

All throughout the game, I can only think of Tobias, and his dark brown hair and how I should be at his house and not with Al.

He glance over at me, and I quickly fake a smile. He smiles back and continues on with the game.

How can he not see I'm so miserable? How can I be so miserable when he's so perfect?

Maybe that's it. Maybe he's too perfect, and I need a dysfunctional, insane love, that drives me crazy. I need Tobias.

I use my controller to stop the game.

"Al, I'm breaking up with you." I say.

He does a double take, as if he can't believe I just said that.

"I'm sorry, but I still love Tobias." I tell him, with my head down.

He nods. "Yeah, I kinda figured as much."

"You did?"

"Yeah, I knew I was just a bounce back, but I was able to spend time with you and get you through this, so I've done all I can."

I smile at him, and give him a quick hug before getting up. "I'm so sorry, Al. I've felt we were more friends then an item, so maybe we can still be friends."

He nods again, looking at the TV, away from me. He has a pained look on his face, but I don't feel guilty... even though I should.

He looks back at me and gives me a smile. "Go." he says. "go get your man."

I smile at him. "Thank you."

I run out to my car and drive home.

The Way I Loved You {Divergent}Where stories live. Discover now