if tomorrow never comes

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I found Stella in the middle of a pack of Strays.

What's worse is that there was a Stray right above her, pinning her onto the ground. Although she struggled and tried to break free, there was no way she could get out of that.

When I saw that after about 30 minutes of looking for her and not being able to track her scent, this was the state that I would find her in.

Immediately, my heart beat boosted and there was no time to blame myself. I sprung myself from the tree and attacked the rogue that was pinning her down and pushed it off.

The other rogues were taken aback and stood still for a while. As for me, I rushed by Stella's side, but my heart sank when her eyes were closing slowly, the life slipping slowly.

"Stella, Stella, stay with me," I beg her and momentarily looked up to find the Strays already forming circle around us. When she wasn't responding in any way, I was crumbling and my mind was going haywire.

I wanted to cry.

The overwhelming emotions were getting the best of me and although I needed to stay calm and have control because I needed to protect her from the Strays, when I looked around me and at Stella whose eyes were almost completely closed and whose breath was growing feint by the second, my resolve was growing weaker.

If this is the end for her, it will be my end too.

"Stella, I need you to wake up please," I plead with her again and shake her lightly, but a Stray had already launched attack on me and soon, the others did the same.

I carried Stella, trying to evade the attacks, but I knew that that was not going to last. When I found an opening, I went for it and tried to run as fast as I could.

I could sense around thirty Strays and that would've been easy to handle had they not caught up to Stella first.

As I was running, a heavy weight came crashing against my back so I fell hard on the ground and dropped Stella. I got up quickly, but my anger was fired up when I saw a Stray picking her up and was about to run.

I was quick to catch him and jumped on him. Midway in the air, I shifted to my wolf form and attacked the Stray. I was successful in tackling him and quickly slashing his throat and just like that he stopped moving.

I quickly turned for Stella, but another Stray was already holding her while all the others were acting as shields.

I barrelled through them, not caring how many they were, because all I knew was that I had to get to Stella.

Unfortunately for me though, the rogues were coming at me one after another and I tried my best slashing through them, but it was inevitable for me to get hit as well.

I felt my hind leg getting injured because I recognized the smell of blood rolling off from me and then I felt the hissing pain of an exposed wound. I cursed mentally because I knew that these crazy creatures sometimes had poison with them.

As I fought with the Strays, I tried my best to locate Stella. It was still weird to me that I could not even trace her scent, all I could smell were the Strays and a weird scent that definitely did not belong in a forest.

And then I felt it, a numbing in my left hind leg, the leg that was injured earlier. Because of this, I lost my balance as I was jumping and fell hard on the ground. This served as an opportunity for my adversaries to lunge at me.

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