get me out of here

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Trust me, I was ready to leave.

But feeling those weird sparks that still lingers until now? It piqued my curiosity and since Cassian said that he had an explanation for it, I decided to stay. But only to hear what he had to say. Besides I didn't have anywhere to go and with no money on me, it's not like I could really go anywhere.

So that's how I found myself sitting in front of Cassian in his office again.

You really can't trust someone by their face, can you. No matter how handsome he was, he still seemed like a suspicious person. He's been spewing nonsense, I suddenly wondered if he was a con artist and if those dreams really are just coincidence.

"So you might think I'm crazy, but I promise that all I'm saying is the truth." he starts and I nodded, I just wanted to get this over with.

Cassian looked like he was having a hard time trying to find his words. I wonder what can be so hard to explain that kept him sighing.

He leaned forward, his elbows on his thighs and fidgeting his hands.

"So you see... in the human world, they say a lot of stories and say that they're fiction or whatnot--"

Human world? Why do they keep emphasizing that we're humans.

"--but! But some things are much more real than humans think. One of those stories are... uhm... werewolves."

"Werewolves?" I repeat incredulously, kind of seeing where this was going.

Great, I escape a violent house only to end up to a fantasy world.

You really can't judge a book by its cover. Instead of feeling annoyance, I wanted to laugh, real bad, but he looked serious so I had no choice but to suppress it.

"Yes, werewolves..." he repeats. I feel him observing me and then his eyebrows meet in confusion. "Wait-- you don't believe me do you?"

I buried down my laughter and sat straight, I tried to maintain a serious face.

"No, sir, by all means, I do believe you. Werewolves, yes. Half humans, half wolves, full moon, I get it," I hadn't realized that my tone was that of a sarcastic one, exposing the lie that I had just said.

Cassian massaged the temples of his head and he was visibly conflicted.

"Ah, I should just let Hannah or Hazel handle this..." he muttered very lowly but I still heard it.

Hannah? Hazel?

The names were strangely familiar although I was more than sure that I haven't met anyone by those names.

I sat still as Cassian was having a debate with himself and I found myself looking around the room again.

It was spacious and for an office, it was quite cozy. There were books all around the walls, except for one wall where there was a huge map and pins on it.

A big mahogany desk that seemed to be an expensive antique was at the centre with piles of paper all over.

The whole place looked like one of those offices of a rich lawyer that charges thousands an hour and again, my curiosity was piqued on what Cassian did for a living.

Cassian seemed to be deep in thought and after a few tries of catching his attention to let him know that I was leaving, he didn't pay me any attention so I decided to leave.

Slowly and quietly as to not disturb him, I got up and walked towards the door, but like earlier, he stopped me and when he touched my arm, the wave of sparks rolled.

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