sparks fly

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Ruth was leading me up some stairs while I was busy looking all around me and I have to say that I had never seen a place like this.

The set up of everything seemed normal on the outside, but there was a certain pattern to all structures that alluded that things was done differently around here. 

I've never traveled or visited other places so I don't know how other places look like other than my old town. Maybe they're all like this. Or maybe it depended on the people, I don't really know.

Whenever I was lagging behind, Ruth waited for me to catch up to her. Sometimes, she stopped to explain a few things like what the door at the end of the hallway led to. After a few turns down endless halls, we finally reach a door. She momentarily knocked.

"Enter." we hear a voice say and I nearly got goosebumps at the voice. I knew that it was Cassian, no, I was sure it belonged to him. I couldn't be wrong.

My heart was beating fast already and I was feeling fidgety and I reminded myself to remain calm. I took a deep few breaths and thankfully, they helped.

Ruth opened the door and I follow right behind her.

Right as I enter, I look for the man who has been invading my dreams for years now and there he was. Sitting on his chair, hands clasped as he watched me enter his office.

He was staring back at me and it made me feel threatened, but at the same time I didn't have the instinct to put my walls up.

The atmosphere was tense all of a sudden and it seemed like the tension was only between me and him because Ruth was walking chirply and even beckoning me to sit down.

"How are you today, Cass?" Ruth asks casually. They must be good friends.

Cassian stood up and walked around his table only to lean against his desk as he faced us. It was as if Ruth hadn't existed and he only kept his eyes on me. "Well, I could be better." he answers, his gaze still on me.

He kept looking at me and it was starting to get on my nerves, but it wasn't as if I wasn't curious about him also.

"Really? Tell me what's bothering you then." Ruth says, but she doesn't even sound concerned, she was asking purely for formalities, but I could also detect that she was teasing him.

"I'm sure you know," was all he answered as he finally takes his eyes off of me.

He circles around and sat down at the place with couches. Ruth turned towards me with a smile and led me to sit down also.

"Stella, you know what I find funny?" Ruth asks me, burning holes on me to answer her although the question itself was pretty rhetoric.

I shook my head and Ruth smiled again. "Well it's always funny when a wolf pretends to be a sheep," she says and looks at Cassian. "Literally."

Uhm... okay?

What was that supposed to mean? I don't really know and with the way Cassian was looking at me, I didn't really have the time to analyze and understand what she was saying.

Cassian rolled his eyes at the girl and came towards us where he sat in front of me, crossing his hands. Like last night, I could see that he had a lot on his mind.

At the light of day, I confirm for another time that he is the man in my dreams. Now, I was really sure it's him. He was the one after all these years.

On days where I particularly felt drained and and hopeless, when everything and everyone around me was pushing me down and telling me to die and when I was convinced that I should, he would appear in my dreams and smile t me. And when morning came, I felt like I could go through the day again.

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