by the fireplace

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R19 - Read at your own risk

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R19 - Read at your own risk

"This cabin was built by my grandpa as a gift for my grandma because she loved staring at the stars and the northern lights. But since they both died, my family only comes here once in a while," Cassian explained as he opened the lights of the cabin.

I almost hit him by the head as he called the place a cabin. It was a two-floor house and from where I was standing, I could see a stair leading downstairs to a basement.

I am even shocked at how modern the place looked but Cassian quickly explained that they just renovated it since it took some damage from last year's rainstorms.

Back in my hometown, having a home like this would have branded you as having big money, but in this pack and with Cassian, I just learn to accept that what they consider normal are things I never would have dreamed about.

I started with taking my boots off which are now muddy from our lengthy walk at the forest.

"It's beautiful," I compliment the house as I take in the mostly white interior. Cassian unties the knot of the cape and took it off of me.

I head inside, letting my eyes roam everywhere and notice the fireplace. The place was already warm, but the atmosphere of this place just told me it was probably fitting to have the fireplace burn some wood.

"Is it okay to start the fireplace?" I ask Cassian as I approach the fireplace.

"Anything for you, let me just get the firewood. They should be just right outside," Cassian says as he removed his jacket and hanged it. I glanced at the wall clock to find that the time was well after midnight.

As he went outside, I went by the fireplace and started to prepare it. With perfect teamwork, Cassian and I was able to get the fire going in no less than five minutes.

While Cassian announced that he was going to make some coffee, I sat on the floor, in front of the fireplace watching it get stronger and the heat hit me harder, but I didn't move.

The flame hypnotized me and the embers flew above and sparked about while the visions played in front of me again like a movie.

The events that would soon be happening, inevitable and unavoidable. It froze me, it makes my heart drop and the fear creeps in and I don't know how to deal with it. I don't know how to tell everyone about them.

After all, how do you paint a war with mere words? How should I warn them about how terrible it would be?

"A penny for your thought?" Cassian says and hands me a cup.

Startled, I almost threw the cup of hot coffee. "Gee, a little warning next time please."

Cassian chuckles and settles beside me. Instinctively, I laid my head and the weight of my body against him, finding comfort and coziness in him.

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