how will it unfold

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Everything happened exactly as I saw in my vision. The Council came without warning, they must have hoped to take me Cassian by surprise but little did they know, I have already seen their coming and their intention. We still have an advantage.

As they lined before the house pack, Cassian's hand interlocks with mine. My heart is beating erratically and I tried pacing my breathing with little to no avail. I hate to admit but I am scared. This world is all too new with me and to know all of a sudden that I'm supposed to help save it is crazy and almost all too overwhelming, but having Cassian beside me is already making me feel better.

It's strange since I never trust anybody especially people I have not known for long, but Cassian, this pack and all the others have made it so easy to trust, to lower my guards.

I had briefly spoken with Maddie and they've already informed me that they were on their way. They aren't letting the Council get away with whatever they are trying to do.

To be honest, I don't really understand what or who the Council is. The only thing I understand from my visions is that they do not want me here. And what's more is that they seem to be involved with that man I saw in the forest, the one who has been causing havoc.

Finn. I've come to learn that his name is Finn, coincidentally Maddie's old friend. She's told me little about him but what I didn't have the heart to tell her was that he didn't seem like anything she was describing at all.

He seemed worse.

"Alpha Cassian, we apologize for this rather surprise of a visit, but we greet you all the same," a man greets as he bows his head to us.

Just as expected, two men and the woman I saw in my vision are here. There's no doubt that they are the ones leading the cohort of werewolves behind them.

One thing that caught my attention however was the way the woman was looking at me. She was wide-eyed as she stared at me, it made me feel rather uncomfortable that she was being very obvious about it.

I just cannot be sure as to why she is looking at me the way she is, it's as if she cannot believe that I am standing here.

"This hardly looks like a visit when you seem to have brought your warriors with you. I warn you not to do anything stupid, my warriors are one of the best," Cassian says sharply and harshly.

Claude and Ervin, the Beta and Gamma, as well as Cassian's family were also standing with us. The pack warriors were also on standby, simply waiting for a signal from the Alpha and so the tension in the air was thick. The others were told to stay home and to be ready for any battle.

Plans have already been made in case the worst happens and I am hoping with all my heart that there will be no bloodshed.

The woman finally takes her eyes off of mine and takes a step forward.

"Alpha Cassian, you may remember me, my name's Rebecca. As you can see, I have been promoted as a Councilor just a few years ago. Normand, Joe and I came on behalf of the interest of the Council and that means, in the best interest of the protection of our kind. It has been reported to us that you have found your mate, supposedly the fourth warrior," Rebecca says as she throws me a glance.

I hold Cassian's hand a little bit tighter as she looks at me.

"There are no laws obliging me to let you know of anything. Let me remind you that packs are still independent, whether I have found my mate or not is the least of your concern."

"Don't be like that Alpha, of course it's of our concern. We're talking about the possible fourth warrior and yet our reports indicate of a--" Normand turns to me as he spews the word like it was poison for him and as if I wasn't there, "a human."

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