Bad dreams

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• Serena Black •

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• Serena Black •

„They said all dreams come true,
but they forgot nightmares
are dreams too."

As if rooted to the spot, Serena stood frozen like a statue at the doorframe. It was almost completely dark in the room because of the drawn curtains, but additional light now fell through the open crack in the door. The faint moonlight shining into the hallway illuminated like a spotlight the bed where her father was not sleeping as expected. He was thrashing about wildly, as if he were trying to shoo away a rather annoying fly or fighting a silent battle with himself. His face was contorted into a grimace and his mouth wide open, but no sound came out.

Serena suspected a silencing spell had been drawn around the bed. Presumably it was not the first time he had had to muffle the screams that bad nightmares so brought. This could not possibly be the kind of nightmare that ended as soon as one woke up. This kind went deeper, penetrated to the subconscious. It seemed impossible that they would not torment the person even when awake. But then it was easier to avoid the thoughts. Repress them.

An ice-cold shiver ran down Serena's spine and at the same time made her mind run again. Her thoughts were racing. What should she do now? Wake him up? Would that be a good idea? After all, sleepwalkers shouldn't be woken up either. Was that comparable? Should she go and fetch Remus?

She took a deep breath and finally decided on the latter. She crept on through a door from which soft snores were coming. At any rate, one of them seemed to be sleeping blissfully that night. Serena paused for a brief moment and thought again whether it was actually a good idea. Then she knocked gently on the door.

Nothing happened. Serena tried again, this time louder. But all she got in reply was a particularly loud snore. Sighing, she began to bang on the wood. To her satisfaction, she noticed that the snoring had died down and that hurried footsteps were now approaching her.

With a soft creak, the white lacquered door was opened. Sleepily, Remus stood before her, looking at her with small eyes. But with every second that passed and he became more aware of the situation, his gaze became more alert. "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

Serena opened her mouth, but she didn't know how to explain what she had seen. Finally she pulled him towards her father's room and silently gestured inside. By now her bare feet had grown quite cold from the marble floor and she could hardly feel them. Nervously she stepped from one to the other, but only a tingling sensation ran through the numb balls of her feet, while Remus hesitantly stepped into the dark room. His completely sweaty friend, meanwhile, was still kicking around as if trying to fight off something that existed only in his head.

The Gryffindor could see Remus' back muscles tense as he tried to keep a composed expression. He seemed to think for a moment, then walked slowly in the direction of the bed. It was so quiet due to the silence spells that Serena could effortlessly hear the plodding sounds of her godfather's feet and the accompanying creaking of the floorboards.

Serena Black || 𝑪𝒓𝒖𝒄𝒊𝒐Where stories live. Discover now