The Truth

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Izuru stood there holding Akane down. Monokuma on one side and class 77 on the other. Nobody moved. They saw what he did to Nidai and were fully aware of his strength. Monokuma stepped forward breaking the silence.

Monokuma: "Heh well played Hinata, but it won't be that easy." He looked confused when suddenly a spear shot out of nowhere piercing his leg. He screamed in pain as Akane took the opportunity to get up and ran back to the others.

Monokuma: "Try again and i'll up the dose to lethal." He chuckled as hinata swayed. The drug took less than 10 seconds to knock him out, leaving him unconscious on the ground.

Hajime woke up chained down in the Dining hall of the log cabin. He could still see slight stains in the floorboards from where byakuya was killed. His hands were tied together ands there was a bucket sitting a few feet away. The chain wrapped around a collar on him, attaching him to the wall. there was a tray with an apple, some bread, and water as well. The room was extremely dark as the only light came from the cracks in the floorboards.

The room was suddenly filled with bright light as the door opened and Nagito stepped in. He was holding a tray of water and aspirin. 

Nagito Komaeda: "Oh! You're awake! Mikan thought it wouldn't be for another day or so." He said as he began to place the aspirin in the water. It started to fizz as the tablet dissolved into the liquid.

Hajime Hinata: "Why am i here..?" He said with a croaky voice as Nagito handed him the medicated drink.

Nagito Komaeda: "Well you tried to kill all of us so the others thought it was best to chain you up." He told Hajime as he drank the water. He coughed a bit before settling himself back down.

Hajime Hinata: "I tried to kill?!" he exclaimed in disbelief. Nagito just looked him over letting out a hmm sound. After a minute he spoke up.

Nagito Komaeda: "Have you ever had weird black outs before? Or perhaps you could feel totally different emotions in the same minute?"

Hajime Hinata: "Actually.. yea... Weird blackouts have been happening to me recently." Why was he just telling him everything?! He was psychotic!

Nagito Komaeda: "Have you ever had instances of DID as a kid?"

Hajime Hinata: "Hold on that's what you think this is?! No, i've never been like-" He cut off as he started to remember something. He was in a lab of some sort. He said his name was Izuru Kamukura, not Hajime Hinata, but he recognized his own face. Could he really be going through this? He blinked for a minute as Nagito waved his hand in front of his face.

Nagito Komaeda: "You blanked out there for a second, i hope trash like me didn't bore you.." He said as he put his hand down. Instead of a response Hajime grabbed the bucket as his stomach emptied its contents into it. Nagito looked alarmed and backed up a bit. After he finished clearing his insides, Hajime set the bucket down, wiping his lips. 

Hajime Hinata: "Nagito... i need to ask you something... Do you remember anything about an Izuru Kamukura..?"

Nagito Komaeda: "yea! That's the schools founder, there's books about him in the Library." If he was the schools founder than why had Hajime called himself that..? He shakily picked up the other glass of water and let it soothe his sore throat.

Nagito Komaeda: "Well i should get going... you probably don't want trash like me bothering you while you're sick." He got up and walked away before Hajime could respond, but he left the door open a crack so at least he could see. Hajime sighed as he laid his head on the floor, he just wanted to get all of this over with. As he drifted off he could have sworn he heard some girl calling his name, or Kamakura's name anyways.

Nagito Komaeda: I figured Hajime would like to see so as i left him i kept the door open a bit. I guess i could go back to the library, besides nobody would want to be bothered by garbage like me. At the least i could look up that Izuru guy for Hajime.

Nagito set off for the library wanting to make the most of his free time, as he passed by the main island he could have sworn he saw fuyuhiko, but when he looked back nobody was there. He shrugged it off and continued onward. He was glad the library was empty when he got there, at least he wouldn't be bothering anyone. He went over to the K section and found the book pretty fast, it looked like it was going to be a long read but fortunately Nagito didn't mind. Sitting down at a table he began to read.

While he was going through a chapter about his heritage a gray sheet of paper fell out. He reached over to grab it and froze when he saw what it was. It was a picture of Hajime in some sort of chamber. He had wires all over his body and his hair was 3 times as long as it was now. The caption of the photo read:

"Izuru Kamukura project, ultimate hope. 3 months into experimentation. His strength is greatly improving but he will lash out if not properly sedated. Keep monitored at all times."

Project? Was he some sort of experimentation? Nagito put the sheet in his pocket and put the book on a high up shelf, covering it so it was hard to see. Now he was going to find out what they did to Hajime.

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