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He silently returned to the others. If Nagito found out. He knew what would happen. Usually he wasn't so selfish but as if someone else was controlling his brain, now he felt as if saving this illness was the most important thing on earth. Nobody seemed to notice his short disappearance as they were all still shocked by Akane's death.

Nekomaru Nidai: "She had just been fine 2 minutes ago..."

Nagito Komaeda: "If we're still here at least someone else is infected. We need to check Fuyuhiko group." Not waiting for a response, Nagito picked back up the gun and started to walk off. Hajime caught up with him at the entrance of the plushy factory. Nagito turned to him, nodded, then opened the door. The three on the other side looked surprised but otherwise no worse for wear.

Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu: "We're supposed to be quarantining, remember?" He sounded a little annoyed that they broke the rules he'd been forced under.

Nagito Komaeda: "Sonia and Akane are dead." At this news all three of their faces darkened. "We need to find whoever is left infected before we die to." Suddenly Peko's eyes widened. She jumped towards Nagito before he could react, grabbing her sword off her back, she swung it at Hajime not even removing the case.

Moments ago he had been about to attack Nagito from behind. Now he fought Peko with the sword going back and forth in between them. The signs of infection in him weren't visable so the others just watched shocked and confused. With a big shove, Peko pushed Hajime back and brought the sword down on his head. Instead of knocking him down it seemed to get stuck in his head as if it were made of sponge. She pulled it back and the blue slime dripped from it, the dent stayed in Hajimes head with more of the slime coming out of his would be wound.

Nagito went to pick up the gun but it had been coated with the blue substance, how had he not noticed?! Then Hajime lunged at him, cutting his nails deep into Nagito's shoulders causing blood to draw. His eyes widened as he saw the blue slime began to form at the entrance to the cuts. He was infected.

Nagito Komaeda: "...Peko stay back. I'm already infected so i can take care of him..." As he said that, he held Hajime back who was tearing into his arm. Using his mutilated arm as a sort of leash, he started to drag Hajime away. He already had a lot of bad luck so he knew luck would be on his side for his plan. He gritted his teeth as he fought through the pain and pulled them both towards the ocean. Hajimes skin was starting to take on that melting appearance and his own had developed that blue tint. As they approached the shore the waves seemed to become fiercer. As they waded ankle deep into the water a huge wave came over top of them and pulled them under.


Monokuma: "The infected have been eliminated! N0w the graduat!on may com3nse! Pl3@se head t% t#e t$^(*)^)*)FM(^<" his voice slowly faded away as the world seemed to go black.


The class stood around the final test chamber on the island. The odd one out, the blacksheep, still laid in the container. He had to undergo the most work after the Kamukura experimentation. The monitor stated the remainder of Izuru had finally been eliminated from his mind. The pod began the draining process as it brought Hajime out of the induced coma. The pod door opened with a hiss of air and Hajime slowly opened his eyes. He remembered now. Even though it had been months, tears still came to his eyes as he remembered Chiaki, the only classmate that wasn't there. He had seen her die right before him... He could have saved her.

He unsteadily stood up as Nekomaru helped him out of the chamber. A few of them looked relieved while others watched him cautiously. Most of them looked nearly unchanged. Meanwhile Saionji had grown quite a bit and now Fuyuhiko had a scar over his right eye. Nagito was missing his left hand and the end of it had been replaced with a stub. Izuru Kamukura was gone and so were the remnants of despair.

There was hope for the world yet.

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