The Trial

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After a few minutes of descent, they finally arrived in the trial room. Now 5 portraits stood atop stands throughout the room. Byakuya, Teruteru, Mahiru, Saionji, and now Nanami.. Each with a horrible death to claim them. They silently took their places at their assigned stands, nobody wanted to start it. Eventually Soda spoke up.

Kazuichi Soda: "So.. we just have to vote that Kamukura guy, right?"

Monokuma: "Phu phu phu, its not gonna be that easy, you have to find out who he's inside of! I'll give you a hint, its not me!" Monokuma started to laugh at his own joke. The rest of the room turned their eyes towards Hajime.

Kazuichi Soda: "Bro... we have to..?" He seemed distraught.

Akane Owari: "We can't really be thinking about voting Hajime, right? come on.." She looked uncomfortable.

Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu: "I think... that bastard monokumas making us... we have to..." He seemed genuinely sad as he said that. Suddenly a sigh came from Nagito.

Nagito Komaeda: "I'm disappointed. If Chiaki were here she wouldn't have given up that fast. Where's the hope that's supposed to be inside you." he seemed to growl at them as he said it.

Sonia Nevermind: "Your right! Perhaps monokuma has tricked us into thinking its Hajime." She pointed accusingly towards the bear, to which he just giggled.

Nagito Komaeda: "Now your starting to get it." his face started to turn back into a smile. "Lets think about it for a second, we know Akane, Nekomaru, Fuyuhiko, peko, and Ibuki couldn't have done it, they had no chance to access the morphine."

Kazuichi Soda: "What do you mean?! I never even went around that stuff!" Hajime quickly shot back at him.

Hajime Hinata: "No, That's Wrong! You did have access, when you set up the fail safe!" He pulled his collar down and pointed to the device attached to his neck. His face seemed to pale a little at the accusation.

Kazuichi Soda: "W-well how was i supposed to know it was morphine!?" Hajime could give him that as they never told him what it was.

Akane Owari: "Hold on, why did Chiaki get it if the device is in Hajime's neck?" They all took a moment to think, besides Nagito who was just watching with anticipation.

Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu: "Hey Kazuichi, did you make a second one?"

Kazuichi Soda: "well yes but i didn't give it to them! it was just to tinker with!"

Gundam Tanaka: "Then it must be you! You were the only one that could give it to her!"

Hajime Hinata: "No, That's Wrong! If you noticed the crack in my door you could tell it was fairly wide. in fact, wide enough that one of the four dark devas could fit through!" Tanaka gritted his teeth.

Kazuichi Soda: "Actually after i was done talking to Sonia and Gundam, i couldn't find the second one, i assumed i just dropped it."

Gundam Tanaka: "Yeah right! You're just trying to put the blame on someone else! How would i even know about that!?" He sounded somewhat out of character as he yelled.

Nagito Komaeda: "well..." Tanaka glared at him threateningly. "He was there as well... I didn't think he was part of the conversation so i didn't mention him before, but now it all adds up, right Hajime?" yea.. i could see all the pieces now.

Hajime Hinata: "Let me recap to make sure i got everything. First Me and Chiaki retrieved the morphine from the hospital. Then we met up with Soda to have him alter Chiaki's handbook so she could remotely activate the poison. Though, while we were talking, the blackened person was listening to us secretly." Everyone except Tanaka nodded.

Hajime Hinata: "Next they purposely dropped one of the dark devas into a cacti in order to distract Sonia, you're not careless enough to accidentally drop them after all. Then Kazuichi came along after seeing her head towards the hospital, and thus he completed the distraction. He was too focused, worried that Sonia had gotten hurt so he hadn't noticed when another one of the dark devas had crawled into his pocket and stolen his spare device." Tanaka was starting to become panicked and his face had paled.

Hajime Hinata: "then later, under the cover of night you sent in one of the four dark devas through the crack in the door frame. They took the morphine that was supposed to be in the shot for me which is how i survived when Nanami's body pressed the button. I was too nervous to notice and Nanami was focused on me. Then it was injected into Nanami who stood there as she died, not being able to call out to me." as he finished, Hajime could feel tears forming in his eyes but he had to keep strong for her.

Tanaka Gundam: "...The forces said today would be the best chance. I guess i couldn't do it."

The vote was put in front of them. Tanaka was voted as Guilty.

Monokuma: "Time for punishment! Phu phu phu!" He swung a hammer into a red button in front of him. Tanaka was taken to a field surrounded with hornets nests. A buzzing sound filled the air as it grew and grew. Numerous hornets started to fly out until all you could see were the waves of small bodies. The buzzing grew aggressive and Tanaka's screams could be heard from inside. Eventually they started to fade out and all that remained was Tanaka's swollen body. Nobody spoke but Sonia sobbed.

Monokuma: "Congrats! You guessed who! I really confused you with Hajime didn't I? Phu Phu Phu!" The only sounds were monokumas laughs and Sonia crying. Before anything could be done they began to black out again.

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