Don't Break The Rules

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That morning when Hajime left their room, they saw the rest of their class in a panic, wait no.. somebody was missing, the count was off...

Chiaki Nanami: "Hajime! Nagito!"

Hajime Hinata: "Chiaki? Whats going on, is everything okay?"

Chiaki Nanami: "...Hiyoko is dead..." Hajime couldn't believe it. Just yesterday everything had been fun and peaceful.. and now... He couldn't even finish the thought. Then the elevator let off a ding. It opened to reveal Izuru inside. He had a cold look on his face as he dragged in the spear that had previously been impaled in Hiyoko. A few of them gasped and somebody held back a gag. Kamukura tossed the spear to the side, splattering blood on the floor.

Izuru Kamukura: "Let me make it clear... Nobody gets away with cheating, unless you want to end up like that dancer." He looked towards Nagito for a second before walking off leaving everybody in silence. Nagito felt his throat go dry as turned away.

Eventually Nanami broke the silence.

Chiaki Nanami: "We may be able to take him on. I think... He didn't die before because it never stated so in the rules, but now they have to get punished if they fail... He's been alone so we know his object is out, all we have to do is find it." She looked to the others as they took it in. Akane stepped up.

Akane Owari: "Hell yea! we'll have one big ol search party for it!" She yelled out punching one fist into the other. The others followed after agreeing, except for Hajime and Nagito. They knew Hajime had an object out as well... If somebody came across it... Hajime turned to Nagito and he understood. They broke off from the group as Hajime retrieved the book and Nagito stood guard. Hajime wrapped the book up in a pillow case, keeping it out of sight should suffice. They returned to find the others searching their own rooms from top to bottom, Fuyuhiko and Nekomaru had taken apart the lounge, even the phone and the monitor.

Hajime kept the parcel hidden between him and Nagito as they walked over to the strawberry tower. Fortunately everybody was busy searching grape house. Except Kamukura, he stood on the opposite side of the room holding something in his pocket. Seeing them, Izuru stood up, not seeming bothered at all. Not quite knowing why, Hajime tensed up, then Nagito began to walk forward.

Nagito Komaeda: "Kamukura."

Izuru Kamukura: "Komaeda."

after saying each others names they stood staring at each other. Izuru turned to Hajime sending a chill down his spine. Hajime jumped as Nagito suddenly let out a yell, charging at Izuru. He sidestepped the attack then swung his fist into Nagito's stomach. He was sent across the room, slamming into one of the walls. He groaned in pain as a few drops of blood began to drip down the wall.

Izuru Kamukura: "Your brain must really be deteriorating if you thought you could take me on." he scoffed, to which Nagito only chuckled, then he began to full out laugh. throughout the ordeal, Izurus face hadn't changed from his cold glare until he realized why Nagito was laughing. He reached into his pocket and gritted his teeth. Nagito weakly held up a knife with the word "Kamukura" written on it in the same blue marker, he was still laughing a bit.

Nagito Komaeda: "Heh... you said it yourself..." he coughed and groaned again. "No cheating, you have to face the rules." he faced a twisted grin towards Izuru waiting for his reaction. He didn't move, his face didn't change. He just stood there. He opened his mouth slightly and blood started to drip out. The sound of grinding metal could be heard throughout the room as Izuru's stomach began to contort. He fell to his knees and began to retch up blood, still with the same blank face. He fell to the ground with that creepily blank face as if he wouldn't give Nagito the satisfaction of seeing him in pain.

Despite this, Nagito wasn't phased at all. His eerie chuckle was the only sound now. Hajime stood frozen in place, he didn't know whether to run for the others or keep his eye on the other two. He didn't have to choose as Akane and Nekomaru came along.

Akane Owari: "Hey Nagito, Hajime. Yall here?" she froze when she saw Izurus body on the floor and Nagito was still laughing, leaning against the wall. His laugh was getting weaker. Snapping to his senses when he heard Akane, Hajime ran over to Nagito. A steady stream of blood had already pooled at his waist. He was paler than usual and his breaths were becoming slow. Nekomaru took off his jacket, holding it to the wound on Nagito's head. He called over to Akane to go get Mikan as he kept pressure on it. She immediately complied, running to the elevator.

Nagito had stopped laughing now, replaced by short breaths. His eyes had closed and he was starting to lean to the side. It felt like hours before Mikan and the others finally rushed over. She diagnosed that he was suffering from blood loss and very possibly a concussion. She laid Nagito down on the floor, pulled bandages from her arm and began to wrap them around his head.

Mikan Tsumiki: "Its not very sanitary..." she whimpered. "We'll have to keep him laying down and have him avoid as much activity as possible. As for the blood loss, without the correct equipment for a proper transfer we'll have to just hope he can hold on." Then she turned her focus to Kamukura. She walked over and began to inspect the body, carefully moving parts, opening his mouth and feeling his stomach. When she got to that part she backed up looking horrified.

Mikan Tsumiki: "I-I think i found the cause of death..." She was shaking a little. "Blades or something tore apart his stomach from the inside, taking many of his organs along with it. If its in him... What if it's in us too!?" She shrieked and began to panic. Chiaki sat down next to her and tried to soothe her. Suddenly the Monitors turned on with a bing. Izuru face was on the monitor. It must have been pre recorded since his body was still on the floor a few feet away.

Izuru Kamukura: "I see i have died then." he almost looked amused. "I hope you didn't think that was the end of it. That body was simply a decoy. The real me... is still inside one of you." With that, the monitor went dark.

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