The Want To Leave

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Nagito started to struggle. Nanami had been too focused on her gameboy to notice. Suddenly Nagito sat up with a gasp. His forehead had started to sweat. He instantly reeled back in pain as he felt the rush from his head. Nanami told him to lay down as she called for Mikan. Nagito turned to Hajime beside him who was starting to stir as well. He started to feel nauseous as he laid his head back on the ground, he felt around in his pocket for his spare bottle of medicine, and he slipped two pills into his mouth.

He still felt dizzy as Mikan set food and water on the floor, he didn't feel like eating but he had to take some with his medicine. He forced down the bare minimum and closed his eyes again. Every so often he would hear somebody enter or exit the room, and conversations which he didn't have the energy to listen to. 

The others kept checking on Nagito, he had finally woken up but he was still in terrible condition. He would hardly eat or listen to anyone. If somebody had to physically touch him to check on him, such as with his wound, he would shove away and be difficult about it. The only one he would allow around him without making a fuss was Nanami. As he became more aware, he began to growl or glare at anyone besides her, including himself whenever he came across a mirror. Another day passed and we finally only had 48 hours to go. Nagito was going to move back into are room and he picked up the "pillow" from the floor. Before thinking i felt myself gasp as i jumped onto it pinning the pillow case and Nagito's arm to the ground. I knew what happened to Izuru... 

Nagito komaeda: "Get off me Hinata!" He looked ready to kill me.

Hajime Hinata: "Nagito please! My object is in here!" instead of a look of sympathy, he became even more determined to take it from me. We fought back and forth drawing attention from the others. Nanami ran up attempting to get us off each other. Eventually Nekomaru grabbed the pillowcase holding it above us. Nagito tried to pull the pillowcase down but he was no match against Nekomaru. He scoffed and walked off not looking back.

Nekomaru Nidai: "What's so important about this pillow, why were you trying to take it?"

Hajime Hinata: "Well, i accidentally summoned my object so i hid it in there, then he found out and tried to get it." I felt a nervous sweat hoping Nidai wasn't the same, i wouldn't be able to stop him. Instead he gave it to me and told me to keep it safe, then walked off to go find Nagito. After that i kept the book on me just to be safe. The next day passed without any issue. When i woke up on the last day the book was gone, the pillowcase laid empty beside me. The monitor went off with that same Bing.

Monokuma: "Congratulations! All you pipsqueaks managed to win the game! Please head to grape tower ASAP!" I wearily walked there, when i saw the book sitting on a table among other items. I tried to run to it but Monokuma stopped me.

Monokuma: "Don't worry, the blades have been deactivated." he said as if it were completely normal. Slowly others trickled in, some of them having a similar reaction to the items, and some just plain out confused. Nagito was the last to enter, wearing a cold glare on his face.

Monokuma: "Yowch! If looks could kill, i'd be dead! Anyways enough of that.. Good job to all of you remaining! Ya know me and that Izuru guy gotta talking and i wanna play some games too!" The room started to become tense again as we listened to him speak. "We're gonna play guess who! If you saw his message, you know Izuru is hiding inside of one of you! phu phu phu, he really is cleaver. You have 2 days to find who he is before he comes back for some more fun! Hahahaha!" Monokuma ended his speech with malicious laughing and their visions started to fade.

They all woke up on another island. This one had an almost desert like landscape to it, with dry climate and lots of sand. There was a movie theater, a hospital, a music venue, a motel, and an electric appliances department. Soda set off to look but unfortunately found nothing that could help them connect with the outside world. Nagito seemed to be deep in thought about what Monokuma said, sending the occasional glance towards Hajime. He wasn't sure how they were supposed to find him, and it was gonna be even harder with Nagito acting stubborn.

After searching the island, Chiaki asked Hajime to come check out the movie theater with her, it was loud and dark so anything could happen if you were alone. There didn't appear to be a cashier so they went on in. The movie seemed to be showing Monokuma's twisted version of the wizard of Oz. They were about to leave when the scene suddenly changed from cartoon to live video footage. It seemed to be a lab of some sort with several pods on the floor. It went into a closeup showing each container held a different one of their classmates besides for Byakuya and for Hajime. There was a boy that seemed to match Byakuya's shape but instead he had dark hair and no glasses. The one that matched Hajimes build, had long dark hair reaching his knees and there seemed to be a red glow coming from his pod. They both recognised who it was. Izuru Kamukura. 

Nanami and Hajime looked at each other. Kamukura was inside of him. What would happen if the others found out? what would happen if Kamukura got out. Hajime asked chiaki to come with him, nobody would find out and kamukura wouldn't do anything

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