The Three Agree

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Hajime and Chiaki met with Soda at the electronics avenue. Nagito watched from a distance. He had read the files and he knew full well that Izuru was Hajime. It wasn't just as simple as being inside him, they were one in the same. He thought about talking to the others but something was wrong. He couldn't shake the feeling that they were all spoiled, even more trash than he was, save for Nanami. He couldn't explain it, but he found himself hating the ultimates he once worshipped. Nagito felt a bitter taste in his mouth as he shook his head and walked off.

It wasn't long before Akane started looking for food. That was when they were all called to the music venue. They found a banquet of food set out for them, Ibuki, already drooling over the food, was soon joined by Akane. When Hajime came in there was a small piece of metal sticking into his neck. Whenever anybody got close enough to notice, he made sure to lift his collar up a little. They all retired to the motel for the evening, Hajime going the earliest, he didn't feel like dealing with anything at the moment. He collapsed onto a bed as he listened to the faint sound of waves.

Hajime woke in the middle of the night to a loud cracking sound echoing through the air. He jumped up in bed as he swung his head around. His door hung slightly open with the frame visibly broken. He slowly slid out of bed as he crept to the doorway. He peeked his head outside but didn't see anybody. He turned back around and froze when he saw Nagito sitting on his bed. He held a crowbar on his lap as he stared at Hajime with dark pits in his eyes.

Nagito Komaeda: "Sit down Hajime. We need to have a talk." He moved over a little as he patted the spot on the bed beside him. Hajime didn't know if he should run or not but he decided against it. He slowly walked up to the bed and sat beside him, he kept his gaze aimed towards the floor.

Nagito Komaeda: "Based on the poison in your neck, i assume your already aware of Kamukura." 

Hajime Hinata: "How did you..." Nagito shushed him turning to him with lightless eyes.

Nagito Komaeda: "As i know a secret of yours, i'll let you know one of my own." Hajime looked at him skeptically as he continued. "I figured out something today, the traitor is none other than Nanami." Hajime's eyes widened, she couldn't be... "I found out today, do you know where she got that poison for you? I can tell you it wasn't from the hospital like you thought." Hajime felt nauseous, he couldn't believe it. Nagito stood up and walked towards the door.

Nagito Komaeda: "Well, now we're even. Do what you want with that information ultimate, ultimate." with the last words containing a hint of appreciation, he walked out the door leaving Hajime in silence.

The next morning Hajime felt exhausted. After what had happened, he had trouble falling back asleep. Once again, food was served in the music venue. Nagito acted as if the previous night hadn't happened, keeping his distance from everyone. He made sure to keep around Chiaki since she held the trigger to the poison. If Izuru Kamukura were to get out of control at any point, Nanami would press the button on her handbook, injecting poison into Hajime, thanks to Kazuichi making some modifications. As the day progressed Hajime's anxiety built up. He could feel it was coming soon.

That night as midnight neared Hajime sat on his bed facing Nanami. She stood on the other side of the room holding her handbook out. If needed she could press the button and... he didn't want to think about it. The clock struck midnight. Hajime waited nervously. Nanami kept a close eye on him for any abrupt changes. Occasionally Hajime could feel a drop of sweat run down his face. Nothing happened. They sat there for another hour with no response. Hajime could hear his heart beating while Nanami never broke her concentration staring at him. After a second hour had passed he spoke up.

Hajime Hinata: "What should we do? You can't stay up forever." She didn't respond. Thinking she had fallen asleep, Hajime walked over to her and shook her shoulder. Her skin was ice cold. He jumped back as a scream came out of his mouth. Her cold body fell to the floor with a thud causing her to activate the poison trigger. Hajime tensed up for the injection but it never came. Before he could think about it, Fuyuhiko and Akane ran over, the two who had been in the rooms next to him.


Hajime felt tears line his eyes. With all the life or death games going on they had forgotten about the cold blooded murder. How did he miss it. She had been in the room with him unless. Had Kamukura gotten out without either of them noticing? Perhaps poison couldn't kill him and that's why it didn't work. Soon enough the rest of them had shown up. They all tried talking to him but he couldn't focus properly, he felt like throwing up. Nagito watched him from behind the others, he didn't look at the obvious. Hajime was the only realistic suspect but something told Nagito to look in a different direction.

While everybody was busy trying to talk to Hinata, Nagito crouched down by Nanami's body. Her fingertips had a blueish tint to them, her eyes were still open but her pupils looked abnormally small, especially in the dim room. He continued his investigation while Hajime still seemed confined in his own mind. He snapped out of it when Kuzuryu slapped him in the face.

Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu: "Snap out of it bastard! This is not the time to break down on us!" Hajime blinked a few times, finally coming to his senses. "Now we're not going to judge you so just tell us your side of the story." Fuyuhiko was surprisingly calm.

Hajime Hinata: "R-right sorry.. At about 11 PM Nanami came over incase Kamukura were to come out." Fuyuhiko's eyes widened a little and Nagito looked up at them.

Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu: "And why would he come out of you?"

Hajime Hinata: "We saw footage at the movie theater that suggested he was in me, so we had Kazuichi set up a system to.. stop him.." Soda nodded in agreement. "We sat here for a while, i didn't notice anything, i was too focused on if he could get out, then at about 1 AM I went to check how she was doing and that's when i found she was... gone..." He got a little choked up at those last words, but now wasn't the time to mourn, Fuyuhiko was right, they needed him. Hajime took a deep breathe and started to investigate as well. 

Mikan started an autopsy while Hajime took a look around the room. The door frame was still cracked from when Nagito broke it but nothing new. There was the slight impression of foot prints in the shaggy carpet from when Hajime had gone to bed and then went to check on Nanami. Nobody had heard anything up until the point Hajime screamed. The cause of death seemed to be on overdose on morphine according to Mikan, but not many people had been to the hospital, as Mikan had stayed there until around 11:30. The only people that had been there were Hajime, Chiaki, Mikan, and Sonia.

Sonia Nevermind: "I know it may seem weird, but i have good reason for being there! I had grabbed some ointment after one of the four dark devas had accidentally fallen into a cacti." Tanaka confirmed when he held the chubbiest hamster up who seemed to had a red mark on his tummy. It didn't seem like enough time as shortly after they were ordered to start the trial. The bridge back to the main island had been reopened as they headed to the area. They all went in one by one and the elevator began its descent. 

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