He's Waiting

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As the night time announcements went off everybody headed to their cabins, at least that was still normal. Hajime sighed as he laid in Nagito's bed, He couldn't really get comfortable knowing it belonged to somebody else. After laying for an hour with no sign of rest Hajime gave in and sat up. He was beginning to feel a little nauseous, he thought a walk might help. After circling the island and not feeling any better, he decided to head to the pharmacy. He opened the door to see the Nekomaru walking around arrangement medicine on the shelf. Noticing Hajime's arrival, he let out a squeak, which was odd for him, he cleared his throat and talked in an obviously fake deep voice.

Nekomaru/???: "uh hello Nagito... just getting some.. exercise.." They gave an awkward chuckle and headed towards the door. He felt too queasy to care so Hajime just brushed it off and began looking for something to soothe his stomach. He took some pepto bismol but after waiting an hour he only felt worse, he was starting to get a headache too. He laid on the floor letting the tiles cool his aches, but he still couldn't sleep. After sometime he heard the door open again but he didn't feel well enough to look up. He heard a guy gasp and then felt a hand be placed on his forehead.

There was a shaking of pills and suddenly a couple were shoved into his mouth. He began to cough at the force. Nekomaru was kneeling in front of him with a concerned look on his face.

Nekomaru/???: "Uwah! i'm sorry i didn't mean to do it that hard...I just want to help.." He said whimpering.

Nekomaru/???: "You're probably really confused... its all my fault!" and tears started to pour down his face.

Nagito/Hajime: "Hold on what's happening?" He realized his queasiness was going away and the aches had stopped.

Nekomaru/???: "i guess you're not in the right body either, i assumed so after seeing you in your current state... you probably didn't know about the medicine he takes and i think your suffering from withdrawal... Ah! i guess i should tell you so you understand... Im really Mikan, not Nekomaru... Though you probably knew that..." She whispered the last part. Hajime looked over to see he was holding another prescription bottle for Nagito though this one was full.

Nekomaru/Mikan: "Y-you should take two of these a day.. Just forget about this!" She said as she rushed off. Why would the bottle in Nagito's room be empty then.. shouldn't he have kept some? He shook his head and began to stand up, he was up for sleeping now, the moment he got to his room he collapsed on his bed and fell asleep.

He woke up around noon, wow he slept through the morning announcement. He realized the reason he woke up was knocking on the door. Hajime jumped out of bed and opened the door to reveal Izuru Kamukura. At the sight of him Izuru's tense face suddenly relaxed Hajime tried to speak but he quickly ran off again. What was going on??? does Nagito have a secret admirer or something?? He headed over to the restaurant realizing he hadn't eaten for a while. He opened the door to reveal the Saionji gorging herself on various dishes, she hadn't even noticed Hajime coming in. Then it clicked.

Nagito/Hajime: "Akane!" At hearing her name she turned but then suddenly froze.

Saionji/Akane: "How did you-"

Nagito/Hajime: "That doesn't matter, come here." she jumped up following him over to the wall. "You need to select give your body to Tanaka." at least that's how it should work based on his understanding.

Saionji/Akane: "Okay then?" She didn't even second guess. She put her hand to the wall then selected Tanaka. Her eyes squeezed shut and she stood like that for a few minutes. She blinked then turned to Hajime.

Hiyoko Saionji: "You again-" She stopped at the sound of her own voice. She turned to a window viewing her own reflection. "im.. Im Me!" she cried out in joy caressing her own face. She ran off laughing not even bothering to thank Hajime. Next he went off to find Akane. He found the fake Tanaka attempting to ride one of the cows on the ranch.

Nagito/Hajime: "What the.. Whatever.. Akane, it was successful! Hiyoko got her body back!" he just stared at him confused.

Tanaka/???: "Are you talking to me? Do you not recognise me, Tanaka the powerful?!" What!? "Hahaha! just teasing!" She laughed. "Its really me! That's great to hear! now we can fix all this mess heh-" Akane froze and started to cough, the same translucent slime that had come out of Nagito began to be coughed up by her. She fell to the ground unconscious, Hajime ran over to her to check her pulse, she was still breathing but she wouldn't wake up. Hajime ran to find Mikan but before he could he suddenly collapsed as well.

He woke up in his- Nagito's bed, disorientated. He couldn't remember anything except the new situation they were in. He stood up to find another note on his door.

"Congratulations! one down 13 to go!" Somebody got back to their body? he couldn't remember though.. He went to the restaurant to find Saionji was missing. Nobody knew where she was, Mahiru had checked her cabin but she wasn't in there either. She wasn't anywhere on the island.

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