River and Stars 🌟

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*Mature college one-shot*

Wheein was going to the library. She needed to find a book for one of her subjects. She entered and began to search for a book about modern arts. She was focused on looking for the book, so she didn't notice there was a boy at her side.

"Could I help you?" he asked her.

Wheein turned around to see Taehyung, the famous playboy in college.

"No, I'm just searching for a modern art book." She answered him.

"OH! It seems that I grabbed the last copy available." Taehyung said. "But I could share it with you if you like," he told her, smirking.

"That's not necessary," Wheein replied, "I will find another way."

"As you want. I'll be available. You can find me in class."

"Bye," Wheein said while she was going.

The next few days, she tried to find the book in other libraries, but she couldn't find it. The book was quite new. What would she do? She needed to have the book for her next class, and she discarded the option of buying it due to its expensive price. She would have to go to the class without the book.

Wheein sat in her normal place in the classroom. She was worried because, in this class, she didn't have any friends to share the book with. She was thinking when Taehyung interrupted her thoughts.

"I can say that you didn't find the book. I'm still available, but be quick because people will be interested soon. You know where to find me, Wheein." He winked his eyes at her.

Wheein didn't want to accept him. He was a player, a handsome one. There were a lot of stories about him, and she didn't want to be another woman in his amorous life.

At that moment, the teacher appeared, and she saw that some students didn't have the book.

"Today, we will use the book. People who don't own the book, please choose a partner to share the book with," she told them.

Wheein tried to find another partner, but people were really quick. Two girls were almost running in Taehyung's direction, but Wheein was quicker; he was the only one she knew.

"Hello, Butterfly!" he said.

"Butterfly?! You know my name. Why did you call me Butterfly?"

"Because you flow to me like a butterfly to a flower."

"Are you trying to flirt with me? I don't want to have anything with you."

"Now you are having something with me. We are sharing the book, but let's pay attention, Wheein! The teacher is looking at us!"

The class ended and Taehyung was excited about the next sessions. Since the first time he saw her, he wanted to flirt with her. There was something in her eyes that told him she wasn't as shy and introverted as she seemed.

The last couple of weeks, Taehyung continued to flirt with her. He noticed a change in Wheein. Sometimes she blushed because of his comments.

"Hello!" said Wheein after sitting on his side.

"Good morning, Wheein! You are so pretty today. I like your outfit!"

Her face turned red.

"I have to go to someplace," she told him.

"Where do you need to go?" Taehyung asked with curiosity.

"I need to buy clothes, so I prefer to wear a skirt because it's quicker to try on clothes," Wheein explained to him.

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