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"Beast Form"

"Flash Back"



Any art that I may use also belongs to their respective owners.


The full moon hangs in the partly cloudy sky and shines on the city below. A city that does not look like the cities of today. Its houses are made of wood and stone, with the walls in a cobblestone pattern. Its shops are made of the same material, and many of them have second floors that are used as a home of sorts by the owner. If we were to take a step back and look at the bigger picture, we would see a huge castle, surrounded by a wall, that lays in the center of this quaint image. We also notice that all the houses, shops, and castle are surrounded by another wall, with only one point of entrance and exit. We realize that it is in fact the capital of the empire. Bathed in moonlight, it is the picture of serenity. Upon further inspection, it is not as quant as it first seems. 

There is the common beggar that hopes for enough coin to make it past the current day. However, they are asleep as most people are at this time. Rats scurry between cracks and through holes, looking for their next meal. There are Ladies of the night who wait at many a corner. Thieves and murderers prowl the streets and alleyways, hoping to come across some poor drunkard or woman. Guards that should be protecting the people, prey on woman who are unfortunate enough to be caught alone. They take from who they please and kill those that displease them. 

 In another alley we see... what was that? We see a shadow pass over the street. To any normal person, they might think it was a cat that is running along the rooftops, but we know better. This mysterious figure is running from rooftop to rooftop with the agility of a trained gymnast. From the shape of their shoulders, and the heaviness of their footfalls, we can deduce that it is a man. 

He is wearing what would be considered a robe that goes to about his calves. It tapers to a point in the front and back, while only going to his knees on the side. It has been cut down the middle from his waist down, in both the front and back, as well as the sides, to allow ease of movement for his legs. The top half of the robe appears as a vest that goes down to a little below the waist. The front of the "vest" has a rectangle of red that goes from around the neck, down to the bottom of the "vest," and has a red sash that is tied around his waist. The sleeves of the robe seem to have been ripped off, and we can see the white sleeves of an under-shirt that end in frills. His hands are covered with black leather gloves that helps when gripping thin ledges. The top of the robe ends in a black hood that is lined with a thin strip of white. Around his neck and mouth is a black mask, leaving only his eyes and head visible.

His torso and arms are covered in segmented pieces of a black leather armor. On the torso piece, there is a diagonal leather strap that has two smaller straps that are currently holding two flintlock pistols. On the left of his waist, is a curved sheath that holds a kukri knife with a 1 and 1/2 foot blade. Along his waist are also leather pouches that hold extra ammo for his pistols and caltrops, as well as a roll of rope with a hook. On the top of each of his forearms in sheaths, are six-inch blade, and along the rest of his waist and along the front of his torso are throwing knives. He is armed to the teeth.

He stops on one of the many turrets that interrupts the walls in measured and even intervals. As he stops, he pulls down the cloth around his mouth to breath. Now that he is standing still, we can see that he stands at about six feet tall. We can also notice that he has stubble on his face, indicating that he hasn't shaved in a few days. He has eyes as green as emeralds, and his skin is a caramel tan. Giving an educated guess, he appears to be in his mid to late twenties.

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