(3) A Room of Canvas

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(3) A Room of Canvas

You arrived at the Madrigal's casita early, giving the door a soft knock. Mirabel opened the door quickly and ushered you inside. Casita greeted you by clacking her tiles softly underneath your feet. Camilo rushed over to you and whispered, "Mami's raining pretty hard up in her room. We need tonight to be perfect when you meet Abuela. Can you do that for me?"

"How hard can it be?" you brushed the question off and ventured toward the dining room. Camilo and Mirabel caught up with you and stood like soldiers in front of their chairs. You followed their lead, standing stiffly and uncomfortably behind a chair in the middle of your two friends. Abuela walked in and the room somehow became more tense. All of the Madrigals were there; you recognized them as you had pretty much been raised on them. I mean, they were the magical protectors of your village. Who wouldn't be nervous?

Alma clapped her hands for the family's attention, which she already had. "Tonight, we are very welcome to have (y/n) joining us for dinner. I want you all on your best behavior." She glances at Camilo jokingly, attempting to call him out with just a look. He caught on and looked away. Alma calmly sat in her seat, and the rest of the Madrigals followed. A silent sigh of relief went around the table. You looked around again and saw many familiar faces. They plastered on fake smiles as Alma stared and Julieta passed out dishes for each person. No one spoke, they all looked like they were waiting for you to say something. You swallowed hard, your throat dry. You timidly reached for your glass of water and successfully picked it up. You smiled as Julieta set your plate down on the placemat in front of you. She brought out the carefully curated meals for each member of the family based on their likes and dislikes.

(A/N; for this to feel like a special scene, I want you to imagine that this is your favorite home cooked meal.)

"Looks delicious, thanks mom." Mirabel said. Mutters of agreement came from the people around you. You picked up your fork and started digging into the amazing meal in front of you. It was twenty times better than your dad's cooking back at home, and you wondered how Julieta knew it was your favorite. Lucky guess, you figured.

You quickly finished your meal and Casita took the dirty plate from in front of you. She did the same to everyone else who had finished their food, and Alma announced that everyone who was finished was excused. You and Camilo ran off to his room. You were curious about what the interior of his room was like. He led you upstairs to the glowing door with a mischievous looking Camilo on it. He turned the handle and the two of you walked into the blank white room. It was almost as if you were in a void, there were no visible shadows or walls.

"What do you want me to make you?" Camilo asked. You realized that he could control what his room looked like. It was a canvas, and Camilo was the painter.

"Will you make me an art studio? And get me some paint and brushes?" you politely requested.

"Anything for you, hermosa." He closed his eyes and conjured up an assortment of paints, some brushes, a paint mixing tray, and an easel. It was just like the one you had at home, the one mom had bought you before she ran away with that other man. Camilo sat down on a stool that he materialized and stared at you passionately. Waiting for you to do your thing. He wants me to paint, you thought.

You grabbed a brush and started mixing some paint. The strokes felt like second nature, and you let yourself ooze into the painting. It's like your hands had a mind of their own. The painting took shape to reveal something you weren't expecting - Camilo. It's not like you tried to paint him, but you subconsciously managed to. You stepped back and gazed in awe at the filled canvas before you, and Camilo got up to admire it too.

"Wow, I didn't know you saw me like this." he said, astonished.

"What can I say, you're a masterpiece." you said, continuing to stare at the painting. All at once, you realized what you had said. "I mean, the painting, not you - but you're still a masterpiece too and you make a great painting don't get me wrong-" you attempted to explain yourself, obviously flustered.

"You're cute." Camilo said, tapping you on the nose. You turned a violent shade of pink. "My turn." Camilo smirked and cracked his knuckles. He looked you up and down a few times, trying to get a perfect image of you in his mind. He closed his eyes, and turned into an exact clone of you. He had nailed you - again. Your hair, eyes, skin and even your embroidered dress were spot on. You blinked a few times, still getting used to having a shapeshifting... friend. Yeah, Camilo was your friend.

A few knocks on Camilo's door startled you out of your thoughts. You answered it to see Pepa. "Oh, hello (y/n). Alma wanted to know if you're staying the night." She smiled politely. Mirabel appeared in the doorframe.

"(y/n) can sleep in my room!" she offered.

"Perfect!" Pepa agreed and shuffled away.

"C'mon," Mirabel linked arms with you. "I'll show you around the nursery."

"This is where I sleep." said Mirabel, gesturing to the room you were standing in. Casita had brought in an extra mattress for you to sleep on. You cozied up in a blanket and sat on Mirabel's bed.

"Does it ever get... lonely in here?" you pondered.

"Well, I've had Antonio in here with me since I was ten, so I guess this is the first time I'll be sleeping without him." she explained.

"I have an idea to cheer you up," you told Mirabel. "What's some place you've always wanted to go but never had the guts to do it?"

"Bruno's tower." Mirabel said immediately.

"Perfect." you grabbed her hand and flew out the nursery door, looking for some entertainment.

A/N: Thanks so much for reading! I think it's kind of impressive that during two days, I've been able to write over 3000 words and three full length chapters. Like I've said, I don't want anyone to expect this much from me in just two days. Love you guys, and thank you so much for reading! Have a great day/night <3

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