(11) Finale

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(11) Finale

"I visited your mom. She has a new baby."


"A-a new baby? Since when?" you said, trying not to show the fury in your voice.

"Yeah. She and her new husband had a baby. It's a boy. His name is Lucas."

A new fucking baby. Since when is mom popping out kids? Why didn't she tell you?

"So I have a half brother. Great. How old is he?" you asked.

"Two months. I knew you'd be mad. I'm sorry I didn't tell you.

"Great. This week is fucking great. First you leave me for four whole days, then I find out my mom has been getting it on and had another damn baby? This is just amazing news! Thank you so much." you said sarcastically, storming up the stairs to your room.

You knew your dad would be mad. You knew that he'd punish you for acting immaturely. You didn't care though. How else were you supposed to react to a baby?

It was premature that you yelled at your dad. He wasn't to blame for your mom having a baby.

It was actually your mom's fault. Your mom's fault that she left and didn't even say anything to you. That she'd reach out to your dad and not her own child when she had a baby. So sweet and considerate of her.

Camilo had run over to your house as soon as you'd asked. You were so drained that you could only cry in his arms. He held you tight and didn't let go for the whole night. It didn't matter to him that he wasn't doing anything. It didn't matter to either of you that you were ugly crying. Like, full on. You both made the silent agreement to not say anything. You would just hold eachother.

Pow! Pow!

What was that?

You and Camilo raced down the stairs, looking around with adrenaline pumping through your bodies. You didn't say a word for fear of whatever that noise was.

There he was, lying in a pool of blood.

Your father.

(a/n: hey people. so yeah, i killed ur dad. i wanted some drama and i was so fucking tired of this story, i just wanted to finish it. i could write a second book potentially, but i don't think that's gonna happen for a long time. thank you for all your support, however. love you all <33)

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