(10) Returned

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(10) Returned

"Dozing off" took a lot more time than you expected it would require.

Let me paint you a picture; you had troubled thoughts of what would happen to your father on this sudden business trip - valid.

Then, you couldn't stop feeling like something was about to come crashing down from the ceiling - weird.

Then, when you finally did sleep, you had the ever-recurring dream of that time when Bruno predicted that you'd have the worst day of your life, and you did. That was the day you painted the mural in the town square. The mural of the Madrigal family. Huh.

The Madrigal Family.

You could be a part of that one day. Just to think. I mean, the amount of time you spent with Camilo was an obvious indicator of how much you liked each other.

But to be part of that family?

You weren't sure how to feel.

Just four days after your father left, he made his return. As soon as he walked through the door, you could tell he was panicky and in a rush. You didn't know why but it didn't really matter to you. You weren't even that happy he was back, it wasn't a great show of trust that he just left you the way you did.

"(y/n)! I'm home!" he announced, struggling to bring his bags through the door.

"Hi, dad." you said in a monotone voice. You were not excited to see him. His lack of an explanation was infuriating to you.

"Where's my hug?" he asked cheerfully.

"It left when you left." you said, not improving his mood.

"Okay, I get that you're mad that I left, but I have a good reason, I promise! Just give me a chance to explain." he said in a tone that sounded hurt.

"I'm all ears, dad. Please, tell me why you left. Tell me why all you did was give me a short little note. Tell me WHY you LEFT WITHOUT A TRACE." you said, practically yelling with the last words.

"Look, I know, (y/n). But I need to tell you what happened - make sure you're sitting down." You walked from the kitchen counter to the sofa, ready for the long lecture ahead.

"I visited your mom. She has a new baby."

(A/N: Sorry for a short ass chapter but I wanted to leave it right here just because I'm super nice to you guys :D have a good day/night and don't cancel me pls)

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