(8) Silly Little "Boyfriend"

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(8) Silly Little "Boyfriend"

"Dating" Camilo Madrigal wasn't hard.

A few days had passed, and you were starting to feel comfortable in your new life. You'd had a conversation with Dolores about keeping her mouth shut on this one. You'd also started experimentally giving Camilo physical attention. Nothing too grand, just hugs and the occasional hand-hold. He had been practicing his boyfriending skills on you as well, since he'd never really had a significant other before you. He was happy, hanging out with you, and tonight was the big night. You were finally going to announce your "relationship" to the Madrigals.

Camilo had shown up on your doorstep to pick you up. He had brought a pretty red rose for you and tucked it behind your ear.

"You look great, (y/n)." He gazed in awe at your chocolatey brown maxi dress paired with white strappy high heels and beautifully waved hair. You wore minimal makeup, just some gold highlighter and eyeshadow that complimented your skin.

"Your eyes... they remind me of the stars. Mirabel and I used to sneak out after dark and stargaze when we were little." he told you. "Our mothers would scold us and try to lock us in our rooms, but Casita always helped us get out." Camilo smiled as he relived the good memories.

"You and Mirabel were so close... what happened to that?"

"Well, as time went by, our relationship didn't age well. She felt that I was making her feel like an outcast like all the others, so she locked herself away. Didn't speak to me for ages," he shrugged. "We had this big falling out, but thanks to you, we've become good friends again."

"Well, it's my pleasure." You were nearing La Casa Madrigal. She waved at you from the window shutters and you waved back, smiling. You stepped in the doors and Julieta almost grabbed you as you came inside.

"(y/n), I sure am looking forward to the day that you actually tell me about that relationship with Camilo." she whispered and winked.

"H-how did you know about that?"

"I have my ways. You look beautiful, by the way." Julieta whisked back into the kitchen. Camilo giggled as you retold the short conversation with his aunt to him.

You stood in front of the chair you had pretty much adopted in your time with the Madrigals. Since you hung out so much with Camilo, it meant that you spent a fair amount of time around his dinner table.

Abuela Alma walked into the room and shot you a sharp look. You'd made an effort not to interact with her after the incident at Bruno's tower. At least she let you stay for dinner.

The family sat down quickly and let go of their tension as they had done many times before. Small talk made its way around the table. Agustín had made a weather joke to Tía Pepa, which had resulted in a downpour over his head. He now sat, unfazed, drenched in water.

You glanced at Camilo, silently asking him to get the news over with.

He cleared his throat. "I don't know who's heard, but (y/n) and I have an announcement to make; we're dating." Camilo stood and took your hand in his. You stood with him, smiling awkwardly.

Everyone at the table had a different reaction; Alma scowling, Pepa and Julieta smiling and giggling to each other, Mirabel folding her arms and rolling her eyes, Isabela sipping her water, Felíx grinning with joy. Antonio initiated a round of applause that carried across the table for all except Alma. The noise made you start to feel dizzy, so you sat down and sipped on your water.

Dessert was served in a buffet of congratulations. It's not everyday that a Madrigal announces a new potential member of the family.

(y/n) Madrigal. Huh.

You and Camilo sat awkwardly on a single bed. You didn't talk to each other, just fidgeted with yourselves in the silence. Your feet dangled off the bed in the uncomfortable atmosphere.

"Hey, Camilo?"

"Yeah, (y/n)?"

"We already know the time is creeping up on us, so why not get it over with?" you suggested.

"You're right," Camilo said, scooting in closer to you. He touched his left hand to your face, forcing you to look at him. He held himself that way for a few burning seconds, then you grabbed the back of his neck and crashed your lips against his. For a magical moment, your lips melted together like honey, in a single agreement. No going back now.

"There is no way that was your first time kissing someone." you said, slipping your hands back to your lap.

"I regret to inform you that it was," Camilo admitted sheepishly. He looked up at you with wide eyes and a pink tint to his face. He looked like he was about to ask you something.

"Will you sleep over?" Your prediction was correct. "Just as my... (y/n)."

"Yeah," you yawned. You'd had a feeling this would happen, so you'd already had an overnight bag packed.

(A/N): Thank you so much for reading! I'm sosososo sorry that I haven't posted in forever, I've been kind of off and I misplaced my writing notebook but now I found it! Have a great day, and stay hydrated! <33

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