(9) Important Business...?

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(9) Important Business...?

Dearest (y/n),

I have left town on important business. I will be back two days from now. Don't panic. I will make a safe return. You won't be able to reach me until I come back. I'll explain then.

Love, Dad

This was the note your father had left in your room this morning, tucked neatly inside a lavender colored and scented envelope. What business could have been so important that he'd leave you without even telling you beforehand?

You took your time getting out of bed. Yesterday, you came back from Camilo's house at noon. You had spent the whole morning babysitting Antonio, which was entertaining enough. You'd slept through the rest of the day after a sleepless night, Casita edition. This wasn't a rare occurrence, oftentimes you couldn't fall asleep. But the other night was especially difficult. It left you feeling so drowsy, even hopping out of bed was a task.

You slowly shuffled to the kitchen, looking for a small snack to replace the large breakfast your father would have normally made for you. You knew that Camilo would stop by to check on you at some point today, and you were just hoping that it'd be sooner rather than later. You poured yourself a bowl of cereal, not knowing what you should do while your dad was out of town. Seeing as you only had your driver's permit, you couldn't legally drive without him. Which left you two options; walking and biking.

You contemplated if you wanted to walk over and find Camilo, but it was too much of your energy to be wasted on a minute task. Almost like your mind controlled it, your doorbell rang. You already knew who it was, so you shuffled over to the door. You were not looking cute in any sense, but you didn't care. It's not like this could be the worst you've ever looked in front of him.

"Good morning, (y/n)." He hugged you tightly, glanced outside nervously, and invited himself into the room. You looked outside to see what he was anxious about, but with no luck. You shrugged and shut the door.

"My dad left town this morning," you explained. "He left a note in my room. Super out of the blue, don't you think?"

"Can I see the note?" he asked.

"Sure." You ran up the stairs to your bedroom, and looked for the note. It wasn't there. I don't think I threw it away, you thought. It didn't matter. You were too tired to care.

"I don't know where it went, but it said something like 'I'm gone but I'll be back safely soon. I'll explain when I get home, but don't call me.'"

"Huh," Camilo pondered. "I wonder what could have been so important that he wouldn't even tell his own child. Weird."

"That's what I said, but to be honest, I don't care. I'm too tired to even function after sleeping over the other night."

Seeing as you had literally nothing to do with your time now that your dad was away, you decided that you'd let Camilo pass the time with you. He ran over to the Casita and asked Julieta to make you both some breakfast. She happily listened and made the two of you some gourmet ass pancakes.

"Man, I'll never get sick of your tia's cooking." you said, mouth full.

"I don't think I ever will either. And she cooks practically every meal I've ever eaten." Camilo said, happily stuffing his face right next to you.

"Don't you think she gets a little... overworked?" You glanced at your boyfriend who couldn't even stop eating to get one sentence out.

Finally he responded with an, "I don't know. At least she's doing what she loves, right?"

"I guess you're right, I just feel bad." you said, staring gloomily at the pancakes.

After breakfast, you and Camilo decided to play some board games. You played The Game of Life, Uno, card games, and almost every game you could find in your house until it was 7 pm.

"Look, I gotta get back home, but it was lovely to visit you, hermosa," Camilo said with a smile and a dainty bow. He kissed your hand sweetly just before stepping out the door.

You closed the door behind him and turned back to your kitchen. It had become a bit messy considering the hangout you just had, but nothing you couldn't pick up quickly.

You worked quickly, tidying up the odds and ends around the main room. When you had finished, it was thirty minutes later and the room was spotless. You gave yourself a mental high five for your hard work. You decided to go upstairs to your room and read until you felt ready to doze off.

(A/N : HEY BESTIESSS!! sorry it's been literally FOREVER SINCE IVE UPDATED!! i missed y'all tho. i hope you liked this part, it was just quick and easy so that i could provide content lol. i hope i didn't lose too many of my readers- i'd be a bit sad if i did. it's okay though, i don't write for the views. i love y'all, and stay safe! have a good day/night <33)

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