Chapter 11

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We all sat in the church in silence grieving. All I could think about was my little boy, my youngest, the one that clung onto me everywhere I went was gone. I know I still have 3 more kids, but MJ was my baby. The first child Messiah and I had together. How could I ever get him back?

MJ died of a bullet to the chest. My mother said they were outside in her garden when a drive-by happened and he fell right when she yelled for him to drop. Camilla was hit also, but she only suffered a broken arm. All of us have been crying and crying and crying that now, it isn't even hard to say goodbye to my little angel.

Alaya got up to speak over Messiah Jr. She was definitely taking her brother's death hard because as the twins bonded, they did. We all shifted our attention to her

"Hey everyone. MJ was my brother. The best brother a girl could ask for. He would always beg me to play with him, which was kind of annoying, but I loved every minute of it. Losing MJ is going to the really hard because he was my bestfriend. But I know he'll always be watching over me and he's with God. That's the best place to be," she nodded and smiled before sitting back beside Messiah.

He's been acting so distant and I know it's because MJ was his first born. He's been going out early and staying out late, but Maurice has been watching him while I monitor the kids at home.

I got up to speak over MJ and then it'd be the preachers turn to give the eulogy,

"MJ was my last born and one of the sweetest souls I've ever met. He was definitely a mama's boy and he was different from all my other babies. He had a unique personality that just lit everyone around him and that's what I'm gonna miss most. I know everyone else will too, but I'm certain his Daddy and I will have the hardest time," I held back tears, "he was his father's first born and they did everything together. MJ's life was short, but it was very much a blessing. Everything happens for a reason and I still believe God will have a rainbow shine at the end of this terrible storm. I love you Baby," I rubbed his casket and burst into tears. My dad helped me back to my seat as tears ran down his face too.

"It's okay baby. Be strong," he whispered as I cried hysterically. Messiah came over and held me tight.

He let me cry in his arms for the rest of the funeral and the rest of the day, and then the week, and then the month. We just let everything go. The kids spent most days with us because we decided to homeschool them now, except Alaya who didn't want to leave her friends behind. Camilla's broken arm didn't make this process of getting over MJ's death any easier. I found myself wanting them both to be here with broken arms, as long was he was still alive, Ya know. Carter misses his brother dearly. He said he can't play grand theft auto with girls, so he and Messiah have made that their new thing.

Messiah brings Maliah around much more now and I think that's wonderful. He's giving her the love and care he expressed to MJ and then some. Most days he goes to sleep with Alaya, Camilla, Carter, and Maliah all laying out on him. He doesn't say much, he just shows them how much he loves them. I can tell he wants to just scream, but he contains it. I wish he would let it all out.

Today, though, we're going on a mission to wipe out all the Mexican traps ran by some girl, Diana Rodriquez. She too over her uncle's business after his murder and is now targeting our business. I haven't been out on these kinds of trips I a while, but I will kill anyone in sight for taking my innocent child's life. He didn't deserve that at all.

My mom is still taking MJ's death hard. She feels like it's her fault because he was with her when it happened, but I won't point fingers because that's a hard position to be in. I know if she could've taken the bullet for him, she would've.


I watched as Diana walked into her main trap. We replaced all her workers with thefts, robbers, and crackheads. She was broke the minute she stepped in the door and didn't even know it.

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