Chapter 29

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I rolled out of the bed and shut the kids' school alarm off. Today's their first day back and I'm happy as hell. I woke Nathan and Lay up first, then the twins and I left MJ. He doesn't get up until about 9 only to go to my dad's. I swear he should've opened up a daycare center.

After getting all the kids breakfast and sending them to school I got back in bed and turned MJ's baby monitor on. I planned on staying in bed all day with my fiancé. I snuggled closer to him and closed my eyes. He turned over and put me on top of his body and shook me.

"You know you're not going back to sleep," he pushed me so I was sitting up making me groan

"Yes I am. I haven't slept all day for years. Move," I rolled my eyes and got off him. I buried my face in my pillow and slept away. When I woke up it was nearly 2. I climbed out of the empty bed and showered. I threw on a simple panty and bra set since nobody was here and went downstairs to get food.

"Well hello sleepy beauty," my baby came over and smacked my ass

"Hewwow deeping booty," MJ repeated his words making us laugh.

"Just like his daddy huh?" I picked MJ up and sat on the counter. I hugged him tight and we hugged my neck tighter. Messiah came and stood in front of me

"I'm so glad I got you back." He laid his head on my shoulder making MJ push him

"NO!" He screamed

"Don't talk to your daddy like that. It's ok baby," he nodded and reached for Messiah. Messiah looked at him like he was crazy and took him tickling him down to the floor

"She was mine before she was yours nigga." He helped MJ up and he ran back to me. I picked him up and sat him beside me.

"He's overprotective just like you," I smirked jumping off the counter with my yogurt. We chilled in the living room before taking MJ to my parents' house.

"Your favorite girl's home!" I yelled unlocking the door with my key

"Your mom back already?!" My dad ran downstairs looking fresh as fuck. MJ ran over to him hugging his legs

"No. Me," I frowned folding my arms. He laughed and dapped Messiah up then came over and hugged me

"You know you're my favorite babygirl. Don't sweat it," he kissed my forehead making me grin.

"And why are you so worried about if mom's back?"

"What is today Mac?" He folded his big ass muscular arms

"Um. August 28th?"

"Which is...." I shrugged, "Our anniversary stupid. I ain't babysitting today honey. Sorry." He sat on the couch beside Messiah and they engaged in conversation. MJ tried talking too, but you could only understand half of what he was saying. My dad nodded excitedly at him making him laugh.

"I'm homeeeeee," my mom came through the door with a ton of groceries. I shook my head at my dad. He used the old 'We're out of milk' trick knowing neither me or my mom can go to the store and buy just one thing.

"Hey mom. Messiah help her," I screwed up my face

"Her lazy husband sitting here." He mugged my dad and took all the groceries from my mom's hands making us both smile the same smile. It's creepy how much we look alike.

"Thanks son in law," Messiah smirked at me and winked before taking the groceries out of the bag. MJ and I joined him in the kitchen while the love birds did whatever.

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