Chapter 20

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"Kenzie I don't know where she is," I literally cried into the phone, "Ace took her. I've been driving for an hour,"

"Son, calm down. When was the last time you saw her?"

"Um, she got Kobe and Rondo to come play a game with me. When I came back her body was pillows an-and she wrote a letter saying she was leaving with him. She doesn't want him. I know she doesn't," I cried even harder.

I can't lose her. I can only imagine what they're doing to get right now. I can't even imagine my life without her, never could have after the day I met her. I know I fucked up, but I'm never gonna lose her. I can't.

"Aight well Ace has a trap in Cuba. Type this address in your gps," he gave me the address, "I'm boarding the plane now. I should be there before anything really happens. Stay armed and don't be stupid Messiah. Get yourself together before you go in, but hurry," he demanded in a serious tone.

"Aight pops," I sighed


I followed the GPS down a long road, more like a path. It seemed like I was driving forever when I came up on a large warehouse. I saw guards standing at the doors, so I parked near the woods, got my gun, knife and a bomb before getting out. I put on a bullet proof vest and got aim on the two guards.

My shooting skills were A1, especially since I met Kenzie. That man can shoot a target from a mile away with the right gun. I shot one guard and then the other. No one really noticed so I crept my way towards the door. I took one of their access ID's and the machine gun they had. Going through the warehouse was a breeze, but there were so many rooms & I didn't know where to even start.

I thought about where any drug dealer keeps his killing room. The basement. I nearly ran down to the basement until I heard footsteps coming my way. I hid around the corner as the foot steps got closer and drew my gun as soon as they got close enough

"Damn son, it's just me," Kenzie held his gun and free hand up in surrender

"You was bouta be gone pops," I chuckled.


I nodded. we stayed back to back with him in the front, his choice. We burst into the basement to see Naomi guarding the door. Kenzie shot her and we kept moving. We scurried down the steps to see Ace dragging Mac's body towards the cellar door only dressed in a too big jumper.

I saw a puddle of blood on the floor and I literally saw red. I shot 5 bullets into his body and hurried over to her. I knew she was bleeding but I didn't know from where.

"Baby, baby are you okay?" I shook her a little

"Come on!" Kenzie yelled going up from the cellar door. We ran to my car and I got in the back with baby girl. She was still unconscious but I kept talking to her encouraging her to wake up or move or something.

I sat her in my lap with her head on my shoulder rubbing her back and telling her everything was gonna be okay when I felt something wet on my thigh. I laid Mac's body down in the seat and saw she was bleeding from her vagina.

"He raped her," I cried into her chest as we pulled up to the hospital. I carried her in and let the nurses and doctors do their job.

I couldn't stop thinking about the way I could've tortured him for doing something so evil to somebody so humble & sweet. No doubt, Mac is the most selfless person I know. It's never about her and she always puts her loved ones first. That's what I love about her. Why is everything happening to her and not me? She's done no wrong to anyone. Maybe it's just to make her stronger and better, but I think she's strong enough.

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