Ch. 4 pg. 2

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  "So, what do you plan on doing today,   Flakes?" "Well, I do have to turn in a library book. So..." Cuddles tossed his head back. "Ugh, really???" "Yes, really. I don't want to pay a late fine." "Come on, Flaky! Let's just hang out with our friends today!" "Cuddles, I don't really have many friends because I'm not a social butterfly like you. Plus, tomorrow's the due date." "Then turn it in tomorrow." Flaky facepalmed. "I'm going to turn it in today, and that's it." Cuddles jokingly got overdramatic and jumped to her feet and pulled one. "Don't gooooo!" "Here, while I'm out, I'll buy stuff for you to hang out with your buddies. For instance, a new skateboard." Cuddles eyes glittered and he immediately let her go. She was then out of her house. °I swear, sometimes he's irritating.° Flaky thought as she slung a bag with her book over her shoulder. She sighed and began walking... that is until she saw Handy and Nutty arguing.

  "Candy?" "No, they're tools! For the last time, they're tools!" "If it isn't candy, why do you have them in your mouth?" "... I'm not going to fight with a squirrel who surprisingly doesn't have diabetes." And Handy turned away, slapping Nutty with his tail. "Ouch!" No way Flaky wanted to get involved in that, so she crossed the street, looking both ways before, and continued on her way. "FLAKYYY!" The porcupine turned her head to see Nutty racing toward her, and she started running away from him. °How can this morning possibly get any worse?!° She then bumped into someone. "Flaky. Give. Candy. Now!" The squirrel had caught finally caught up, and wasn't even out of breath. "Here's $10, mister. Go into the candy store over there." "Thanks, lady!" And he ran off. "You okay there... uh, Flaky?" Flaky looked up to see a white head with deep purplish-pink filled circles around the woman's eyes with a pink hat shading her face.

  "Y-Yeah, sorry about that, miss." "It's alright, no need to apologize. I'm Panda Mom." She held out her paw for a handshake. "Flaky, and I was going to the library." "Oh, do they have children books?" "I think so." "May you lead the way?" "Uh, sure." And they both started walking.

Word #: 382

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