Chapter 1:The Superstar?

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Zhan's P.O.V

Me and Xuan are now at Beijing Airport and currently waiting for my dad to pick us up since he promised to pick us up saying he missed me and wants to see Xuan again,When I told him that I like men he instantly said he wants me to marry Hao Xuan and he didn't know about me and Yibo since I never told him about it when he told me I'll be marrying one of the Wang's son since both Xiao and Wangs are friends for decades now I guess

"Zhanzhan!"someone called for me and I turned to look who it was and it was my sister Xiao Yanli and beside her was my younger brother Xiao Cheng they're my siblings and our mom is already in heaven and I miss her so much but we still have our dad that loves us dearly and became to the role of a mother and a father to us

"Shijie!"I shouted and quicly took Xuan's hands and ran towards my siblings and gave them a hug
"Jie,Cheng where's dad?"I asked while looking for dad

"Dad's in the car his back immediately hurts so we asked him to stay there"Cheng said and looked at Xuan
"And you must be gege's fiance right"Cheng asked with his usual attitude with a poker face

"Ah yes,it's nice meeting you two I'm Wang Hao Xuan"Xuan said while extending his hands towards Cheng but Cheng didn't took it and shijie immediately shook Xuan's hand to avoid the embarrassment

Cheng doesn't like anyone for me also my friends and shijie they all like Yibo for me but when we broke up Cheng became mad and hated Yibo for hurting me (you'll know the reason soon)

"Come now,dad must be waiting for you both"Yanli jie said and walked us towards the car and our luggages are now at the car and dad went out to hug me

"My zhanzhan it's good that your back now"Dad said while patting my back

"mn,it's good to see you dad"I said and he broke the hug to look at Xuan

"Xuan'er my boy look at you after being with Zhan for 1 year you became more mature,I guess handling such childish Zhan must be exhausting"Dad said

"Haha it's nothing uncle 1year of staying with Zhan was so fine"Xuan said and put his hand at my waist and I swear I look like an idiot smiling while blushing

"Aiyo I told you to call me Dad now,and sending you there with him was indeed a great idea so that he won't be alone there,he never even told me why he wanted to study there alone I told him I'll let Cheng and him study th——"I cut him off

"Dad,please"I said and even he didn't know why I'm acting like this but he shut his mouth

"Okay now let's go back home"dad said and Xuan and me went inside the other car since my family brought two cars so Xuan and me are together in one car and the three of them are at the other car


We arrived at our mansion and dad lead us towards the dining table to eat and we didn't refuse since me and Xuan are both hungry now

"By the way uncl—I mean dad"Xuan started a conversation and we all look at him and Cheng just rolled his eyes

"What is it dear?"Dad asked and Xuan cleared his throat

"Ehem ahm uncle called me he said he wants me to let my cousin assist me for my work so that he could learn handling their business soon"Xuan said and I couldn't guess who that cousin of his since I don't know any of their family members even when I had a relationship with Yibo in the past since Yibo said his uncle doesn't want them to be with another man but now they let Xuan to be with me I guess it's because my family are friends with them

"Oh?Qiren said that?well for me there's no problem with that and your cousin could always be with Zhan since Zhan would assist you too right?so it's good that your cousin would be friends with your fiancé"Dad said

"Ok thank you dad I'll inform them later"Xuan said and started eating but dad asked.....

"Who's this cousin of yours that would assits you by the way"Dad asked and I gulped hoping it's not Yibo or else,or elseeee......

"Oh,my cousin is a very famous artist here in China he's the Superstar of China,his name is Wang Yibo"Xuan said

Wang Yibo
Wang Yibo
Wang Yibo
Wang Yibo
Wang Yibo

That name kept echoing at my ears and I heard Cheng choked on his water and I looked at him to give him water but Shijie akready gave him a water and Shijie nodded at me that says she understand mine and Cheng's shockness

Cheng and Yibo had been friends since Cheng and me are twins but I'm older than him for 6 minutes but still I'm his gege but when Yibo and I broke up Cheng also broke his friendship with Yibo saying he can't just stand there and still be friends with the man who hurted me the most and the person that became the reason why I left my family 3 years ago

"What happened are you ok Cheng?"Dad asked worriedly and I looked down

"I'm ok that I'm just shocked that WANG YIBO the superstar will assist Xuan ge and Gege"Cheng said directing to me

"I know him his pictures are all over the billboard here sometimes next to my company's building haha what a handsome man if Xuan wasn't willing to marry Zhan I should've picked him"Dad said that made me,shijie and Cheng choked with our water and food and Xuan and Dad looked at us with confuse face

"Hon are you ok?"Xuan asked me while patting my back and I nodded
"It's a good thing I fell love at first sight with Zhan's photo uncle haha"Xuan said and dad and him laughed while me,shijie and Cheng are having a poker face with what dad said

If only both me and Yibo weren't afraid to tell our family about us,would it change?would I be married with Yibo?but it's too late now,everything changed I'm already engage with Xuan and I love him he's the only one who stayed with me even at first I kept rejecting him and give him cold hopes for our marriage but he never gave up to make me smile when I was at my worst because of what happened between me and Yibo and now I think Yibo already moved on with him being a superstar I'm sure he could just get any women or men with just a flick of his fingers

We were coward at that time,he was a coward at that time to the point that he could hurt me the way I didn't expect him to do it's all in the past now and I'm over him

We'll publish other chapter soon when the other chapters are done,please do support our story,THANKYOU

My ex is a Superstar (YiZhan ff) Completed short storyWhere stories live. Discover now