Chapter 3:Meeting Xuan or Yibo's in-laws?

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Chapter 3:Meeting the in-laws

Zhan's P.O.V

I'm currently walking towards the coffee shop near our company and I stopped to look at the billboards that are anywhere this city,It's Wang Yibo

I smiled,I could see all his success,he really did a great job,he achieved his dreams even without me

I entered the coffee shop and get my order and as I was about to leave I bumped into someone

Argh great I'm so clumsy I even spilled my coffee at that person

"Wha!?please do watch your way!"that person said with a stern voice and I could feel myself shivering

"I-Im sor——"I didn't finish my apology as I looked up to him my eyes widened and my expression was fully shocked,IT's HIM

He looked at me with wide eyes I could guess he's also shock to see me here after 3 years

"Z-zhan?"he stuttered and I quickly picked up my things from the floor and went out

I could feel my hands shaking,I'm not scared,I'm shocked,why should I have to accidentally meet him right now?I wasn't ready yet my heart,my heart is betraying my feelings for him

I'm walking towards our company with swollen eyes,I didn't know why my tears kept falling from my eyes at that time and I'm sure Xuan would notice this and Yibo?oh no Yibo is coming here also and he wasn't wearing any mask?well there's no any person at the coffee shop earlier so that's why he wasn't afraid to speak loudly at me earlier

I got up from Xuan's office and I could hear him talking to someone at his phone

'Okay bye'' Xuan said at the other person in his call as he ended the call and I entered the room

"Hon!"he said and immediately embraced me with his soft hug that could always comfort me so I smiled and hugged him back and he broke the hug and cupped my face

"Wait what happened to you?"
"Hon?what's wrong?why are your eyes swollen?who made my baby cry?"cheesy but I blushed
"Hey?hon?is anything wrong?you know you could always tell me anything"he said with his soft tone and he kissed my forehead and here I am smiling like an idiot

Our moment broke when we heard someone at the door

''I'm sorry sir'one of dad's employee said and quickly ran away and Xuan called,YIBO

Yibo pretended he didn't know me and so did I,I still haven't told Xuan about me and Yibo and I feel like and would make things awkward since Yibo and I would be together with Xuan and Jiyang from now on

What if things would be really really awkward with Yibo here beside me oh no what if I can't concentrate?aaahh this is killing me I should ask for Shijie's advice back at home later

"Hon?ready to go home?"Xuan asked me and I looked at Yibo and he changed his gaze,he moved on I guess?and now he's not ready to see me

"Ah yeah yeah"I said and picked up my phone

Time flies so fast that it was already 5pm and shijie said she'll prepare dinner for us all later,can't wait

"Yibo?do you wanna come with us?I mean I would want you to meet my in laws"Xuan said,Yibo already met your in laws Xuan except my dad as I said he was a COWARD!and please don't accept the offer Yibo,Cheng and us both would be awkward

"Sure"Yibo said withoug hesitating and what?he didn't refuse?oh c'mon what's the deal

"Is it ok hon?I'll let him be close to dad and your siblings,Yibo has always been my bestfriends since we were born haha it's almost like I'm his brother and I'll let you meet his brother soon"Xuan said as he walked towards me ang grabbed my waist towards him and I saw Yibo looking away from us

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