Chapter 13:I'm sorry

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I can't reach 3k words in this chapter like my other chapters but I hope you'll enjoy this chapter,don't forget to vote and follow my account,thank you

"Let's get drunk tonight!"Jili shouted as the four of them are at the bar in Korea right now

"Zhan can't drink a lot"Yibo reminded Jili and the three looked at him

Jili shrugged Yibo's arm and said "oh c'mon tomorrow the three of you will go home just this night and just take care of him like you used to" Zhan looked at his friend and Yubin smacked Jili's head "what?!"Jili asked and the three just laughed at him and they ordered some drinks

"You sure you wanna drink?"Yibo asked Zhan while Jili and Yubin are in the dance floor dancing and drinking with other girls

"mn,I missed this too"Zhan answered as he gulped down the drink that was infront of him and almost choked

"Aiya,who told you to gulp it all down?slow down no one's gonna take your freedom"Yibo said as he patted Zhan's back and Zhan raised his hand as a sign that he's ok

"But tomorrow Xuan will"Zhan said

"He's your fiancé so he has the right to be possessive to you"Yibo said as he looked down and Zhan noted that Yibo's hurt

"Cheers!"Zhan said avoiding the topic and Yibo lifted his drinks and they all got drunk

Hours has passed and the four were talking while drinking and Zhan already gave up,he was already drunk

"I'll take him back to his room,do you want to go gome too?"Yibo asked while holding Zhan's body against his as a support so that Zhan won't fall down

"I'll go gome with Jili,take care of Zhan"Yubin said as he and Jili got up for another dance and Yibo just nodded and left the bar

The two arrived at their house that Jili provided them for their stay and Yibo couldn't let Zhan walk so he carried him in bridal style and let Zhan's body down at his comfy bed

Yibo cleaned off Zhan's arms and face and change his clothes and as he was about to leave Zhan held his hands

"Stay"Zhan said with a hoarse voice

"I can't"Yibo said and chuckled as Zhan pouted

"Please,I'll beg again for you to stay"Zhan said with a sad tone that hits Yibo hard,pain was brought back to his heart again and memories flashing back


"Yibo,p-please,tell me this was just a prank"Zhan said

"I-I'm sorry Zhan,I-I didn't know what happened"Yibo said as his words pierced through Zhan's heart

"Tell me you didn't intended to have sex with your bestfriend,I-I'll forgive you,please,Yibo"Zhan said with a pleading tone and Yibo's guilt ate him up

"Zhan let's leave,can't you see he already cheated on you?!end this,NOW!"Zhan's brother Cheng said as he was glaring at his bestfriend Yibo and Yanli had tears in her eyes as she looked at the pleading Zhan begging for everything was just a joke

"I-I'm sorry Zhan.Forgive me I got drunk and I...I make out with Zoey and I...."Yibo's words were cut off as Cheng punched his own bestfriend and Zhan and Yanli stopped their brother and Zoey was in Yibo's bed watching the scene

"I trusted my brother to you cause I said your my most trsuted bestfriend but look at what you've done!you broke my trust!you broke Zhan's trust all because of this woman!and you!you're our friend and we trusted you but you just acted like a slut!you know Yibo has a boyfriend already!"Cheng shouted at Yibo who fell down at the bed as Zoey was holding him

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