Chapter 2:I met him,accidentally

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Chapter 2:I met him,accidentally

Yibo's P.O.V

"Yibo?dear?please wake up and have breakfast with us,your father and uncle Qiren has something to discuss with you"My mom woke me up from my 4HRS SLEEP FOUUURR HOURS!

I was so exhausted last night since I became an actor and got a support role and that drama that I was acting in had finished yesterday so we celebrated last night

I got up from my bed and said

"At least just let me shower after my FOUR HOURS SLEEP mom!"I shouted back at my mom and I heard her chuckling

"Okay sweetie,love you"

She didn't let me reply to her since she knew I'll be on my way to the bathroom

3mins later

I finished showering and changing my clothes for 3 minutes since mom kept calling for me saying that Uncle has something else to do back at the office so he'll just finish his breakfast and talk to me fast

As I went down towards the dining table I could hear their laughter and I could guess it's because Zoey is here,my best friend

"This day seems lively"I spoke and all their attention was on me and Zoey smiled and went towards me

"Of course it is,come sit"she said pulling my wrist towards the seat she reserved for me and served me food

"You know you both would be a great couple"Mom said while smiling at us

"Auntie,friends are friends and I like someone else now"Zoey said and I looked at her confuse

"Eh?and who is that?"I asked

"Well,you still can't know him and I'm sure you know that person but you'll know soon"she said and my uncle started talking

"So Yibo as you know I have something to discuss with you,me and your father decided something for you"Uncle started and I gulped hoping it's not marriage cause I would surely run away,my heart only belongs to someone......I mean I'm not ready yet for any relationship

"Don't worry it's not about your marriage"my dad said as he pat me and I calmed down knowing it's nothing about my own marriage

"mn,what do both of you want to discuss with me?"I asked

"Well,your cousin arrived here,Hao  Xuan is back and he's with his fiancé which is he'll introduce to you sooner,his fiancé is a handsome young man I've seen his pictures and Xuan seems to adore him"Uncle said and I choked on my water and Zoey patted me

"W-what?I thought you don't want us to end up with a man?"I asked

"Well I don't but this person is a exeption since his family are our friends"he said

"Oh"I said and Zoey looked at me with a guilt stare,she knows everything,she knows how it ended,she knows who I was with,she knows who I'm inlove with,Zoey smiled and I smiled back

"So what do you wanna talk about?and I wanna meet Xuan now I miss that guy,does he work now with his in law's company?"I asked

"Well,yes he'll message you later since he told me he wants to meet you too and we want to talk about you handling the family business"My dad said and I looked at him

My ex is a Superstar (YiZhan ff) Completed short storyWhere stories live. Discover now