Chapter 10:Let's Talk

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The dinner went well and Xuan and Zhan went,Xuan was planning on living together alone with Zhan with an apartment since they'll soon be married but he's still not sure if Zhan would agree since back in U.S.A they didn't lived together,Xuan just visits Zhan in his place

Xuan went out of his room to go to the kitchen to drink some water and he saw that Zhan's dad was there drinking

"Dad"Xuan spoke and Xiao Feng looked at him

"Hm?you're still awake?you need something?"Feng asked Xuan

"en,I can't sleep and decided to drink water and then I saw you here,it's already midnight yet you're still drinking"Xuan said

"You sound like your dad Xuan haha"Feng said and Xuan sat beside him

"I get that a lot"Xuan said

"You know,Zhan really resembles his mom same as Cheng but Cheng's attitude resembles me haha,Zhan is just an innocent child that still needs to learn some new thing like....Love"Feng said and handed Xuan a bottle of wine and Xuan drank it

"Have Zhan fallen inlove?" Xuan asked

"I don't know but I guess he did,back in his highschool days I already knew he wasn't into girls since it's too obvious and he always went home late or sometime went home with a smile,I could guess he fell inlove with someone that made him suffer,one day,when me and him went back here in China he was so excited that he left me in the aiport *laughed* and Yanli texted me she and Cheng are together with Zhan and I guess he was excited to see his siblings since his siblings are having a party with their friends but then when they got home"Feng stopped talking and gulped down the wine "it was already 12am when the three of them went home" Feng said


"Zhanzhan?want me to sleep with you tonight?"Cheng asked his twin and their sister looked down seeing his brother not being the person he used to be,right now his eyes are swollen and red

Xiao Fengmian saw this and went downstairs when he heard that his children are home

"Zhan?what happened?"Fengmian asked his son and Zhan broke down and ran to hug his dad

Fengmian looked at his two children with a look that says 'what happened' but the two just looked down

"Zhan,honey?what's wrong?care to tell this old man what's wrong with my baby?"Fengmian coaxed his son

"D-dad....I....I w-wanna"Zhan couldn't complete was he was going to say since he can't stop crying and it made his dad and siblings cry too

"H-hey slow d-down honey,now tell dad what's happening,please"Fengmian asked as Zhan hugged him tight

"Dad...c-can I abroad?I-I promise I'll be a g-good boy there"Zhan said

"But Zhan,you'll be alone there without someone to take care of you,Let Cheng go with you"Fengmian said and the three siblings looked at him

"No....Cheng has his future here and I....I don't want to be here anymore...please dad,please"Zhan pleaded while crying that made his dad be convinced he didn't know what really happened to his son but everytime he wanted to ask his children would stop him

"I hope letting you go abroad would make you feel better my dear,if you really fell inlove with a guy that only caused you pain,I'll make sure you'll end up with someone I'll trust and won't hurt you"Fengmian said to himself and decided to call Qiren to introduce his son to HaoXuan


"So that's the reason why you arranged me to Zhan?" Xuan asked and Fengmian nodded as a response

"I couldn't think of anyone to be trusted for my son,I thought of calling your uncle he introduced you first to me since he told me you're not into girls"Fengmian said

"At first I'm really into girls but when I saw Zhan's picture I really agreed to uncle and really went to see Zhan in person,at first when I saw him he looked like a broken hearted person *smiled as he remembers how he and Zhan first met* but his appearance really showed off to me even if he cries he's still pretty that even girls would envious"Xuan said proudly

"He really looks like his mom same as Cheng,their mom was such a beauty"Fengmian said
"You better go to sleep now Xuan,goodnight"Fengmian said and bid farewell to Xuan and Xuan did the same and went inside his room

Morning came and Zhan woke up with the birds chirping and alarm clock ringing

Yibo woke up with a frown remembering seeing Zhan and Xuan having a date last night and Zhan even called Zoey as his girlfriend,they were only there since Zoey wanted to talk on something and want to eat dinner

They arrived at the office with a frown face

"Wait,Zhan"Yibo held Zhan's wrist

"What!?"Zhan asked with a mad expression and Yibo let go of his wrist

"Let's talk'Yibo said as he dragged Zhan towards his office,even they're a secretary,Zhan's dad provided them with an office

"Not talk"Zhan said as he pushed Yibo's hand away from him

"About last night..." Zhan cuts him off

"What about last night?nothing happened last night as I remember "Zhan said

"Yeah but,you said Zoey is my girlfriend and...."Zhan cuts him off again

"And?'re here to deny your girlfriend?look Yibo....I don't care if she's your girlfriend or not and you don't need to explain it to me I have my own life now and I'm getting married so please just...."Zhan stopped as he sighed and caressed his forehead as he don't want to hurt Yibo
"Just....I have to go"He said as he opened Yibo's door and left Yibo dumbfounded

"I still want you,and want to fight for you but you're giving me reasons not to,it was my fault so I guess this is my punishment but,after this punishment can I have you back"Yibo said to himself not loud enought for Zhan to hear as Zhan wasn't already there

"Just last pain and I'll give up,my love"Yibo whispers to himself and sighed

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