Chapter 6:Confrontation

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Zhan's P.O.V

"Zhan,auntie Carman wants to talk to you she called me earlier"Xuan said while were at the office and Jiyang and Yibo are together sorting put some files

"What do you mean?why Yibo's mother wants to talk to me?"I asked,why does Yibo's mom even wants to talk to me?

"Hm I don't know hon she just told me that you should meet her later,she'll message you the location"Xuan said and he pulled me close to him and made me sit on his lap,I don't know why but I feel awkward when he does this,Am I really ready to marry this man?

"Ah s-sure"I said while getting out of his grip

"Anything wrong?"He asked

"N-no it's just were in the office right now someone might see us"I lied

"Everyone knows were engaged Zhan,are you embarrassed?"he asked with a low tone making me feel guilty

"Ah no it's not that I j-just...forget it I have to go to Jiyang"I said and quickly got up from his lap avoiding the awkwardness

"Mn ok"he said and I went out of the door but I suddenly bumped into someone

"Oh I'm sorry Zhan"That person said and it was Yibo

"Mn"I said shortly and ran out of the door and went towards Jiyang's office

"Zhan?everything fine?"Jiyang asked

"Ahm yeah just want to see you"I said and he nodded

"How's working with him?"he asked and I turned to look at him

"Him?"I asked,I know he was referring to Yibo but I don't want him to think that I'm thinking about Yibo

"Yibo?I mean isn't awkward?just tell me how you two broke up,you know Jili kept asking me about you and Yibo"he said and I sighed

"I'm not ready to talk about it by the way how's Jili in Korea?"I asked changing the topic

"Well,he kept bothering me to visit him there with you and I said no cause we're both busy and he said his brother don't want him to go back here yet you know his brother is super protectice towards him"He said

"Let's vi—-"My words was cut off by Jiyang's phone call

"Oh speaking of the devil,Jili's calling"He said and answered the call and I went beside Jiyang to see Jili

"oh Zhan,I miss you bro" Jili said at the the video call and I waved my hands to him

"Hey bro,miss you too,We'll visit you soon there"I said and he nodded

"Yang I finished the file"Yibo said while entering the office while facing Jili

"Oh Yibo?!Hi!come visit me here with Zhan and Jiyang!"Jili said without any hesitation,did he forgot me and Yibo broke up?

"Yeah sure when?"Yibo asked

"Well,next week would be alright since there's no much work and we could use a vacation"Jiyang said and Yibo nodded

"Yeah sure if it's ok with Zhan to tag me along"Yibo said and looked at me asking for permission

"Ah y-yeah of co-course"I stuttered,damn it Zhan stop stuttering infront of Yibo you're being obvious

"Then I'll pick you up at the airport when you come to visit!"Jili said with an excited expression,is he even my friend or Yibo's?

"Ok bye  Jili we still have something to do"Jiyang said and we bead farewell to Jili and ended the call

My ex is a Superstar (YiZhan ff) Completed short storyWhere stories live. Discover now