Chapter 12:Seoul's Romance

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Yibo,Zhan and Yubin's plane landed at Seoul's Aiport and as they got out they saw Jili and a bodyguard walked towards them as fans kept forcing themselves to Yibo

Beijing News:

Chinese Idol Wang Yibo has landed in Korea along with his two unknown friends and his agency confirmed that he's having his three days vacation there before he upload his new music album.

'Wang Yibo is looking hot in his airport attire'

'Have you seen his pictures with his other friend?his friend is so handsome and the other one looks hot'(referring to Zhan and Yubin)

User@WangYibofan85: 'Have you seen Yibo kept protecting his other friend when his friends are suppose to protect him with the Korean fans?omg I smell something fishy'

UserTracerYibo05 replied to User@WangYibofan85:'it's just your mouth close to your nose and Yibo has always been so protective towards his friend'

'But they look cute together!'

The news Yibo being in Korea spread at the whole China and some Korean fans kept taking pictures of him and the bodyguards never failed to protect Yibo as Jili requested

"Hey!It's good to finally see you again guys,I'm sorry if I called you to come visit me I just wanted to spend time with all of you"Jili said as the four of them went inside the van

"It's ok I also wanted to take a vacation,and I know Yibo needed it too *stares at Yibo* right Yibo?"Zhan asked and Yibo looked at him

"Ah...yeah,so make sure we have the best three days vacation"Yibo said and Jili nodded

"Jiyang said he'll visit you next time Zhan's fiancé needed him at the company"Yubin explained

"Yeah he already informed me earlier so Yibo how's life?"Jili asked as he looked both Yibo and Zhan

"Well,it's tiring but it always been my dream to be famous one day so I enjoyed it"Yibo said and Zhan looked down

"mn I remember you always tells us back in our highschool days that you want to be an idol and Zhan would be your mana...."Zhan cuts Jili's words

"Haha let's not talk about it by the way where are we going?I'm hungry Jili!"Zhan changed the topic awkwardly

"Well,my brother told me to bring you at pur restaurant but he's not here he's at Russia right now so I'm in charge"Jili said

"I missed you Da-Ge's meals Jili"Yubin said

"Yeah me too remember we used to eat at your house"Zhan said

"Yeah and you always feed Yibo and you..."Jili's words were cut off again by Zhan

"Jili,stop"Zhan said glaring at Jili and Jili and Yubin laughed at their friend while Yibo just looked at them with a smile remembering their highschool days when they used to be so close together

They arrived at Jili's brother's restaurant and already ordered some meals for them

"after we eat can we go to an amusement park?"Zhan asked with mouth full of foods and he choked and Yibo let him drink his water
"T...thankyou"Zhan said shyly

"Don't eat when your mouth is full and slow down we'll go after this"Yibo said coldly and Zhan beamed with happiness and nod his head

After they eat the four went to an amusement park and Zhan entered ad explored the park with an excited face and Yibo just kept looking at him with a smile

My ex is a Superstar (YiZhan ff) Completed short storyWhere stories live. Discover now