Chapter 15:The Truth

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Yibo's birthday came and lots of guest had arrived and the Wang family are waiting for the arrival of the Xiao Family

"Let's go now,Xuan's family might be waiting for us"Zhan's dad said as the Xiao family entered their cars and on the way to the Wang mansion

As they arrived they were welcome by the maids and some guests that knows them

"Welcome Fengmian!"Wang Qiren said as they shaked hands together

"Where's the birthday boy?"Zhan's dad asked

"Inside,come sit for awhile and let's talk the party will start in a minute"Qiren said and he lead the Xiao family to a table and seats and the elders started talking

"I'll just go to the bathroom"Zhan excused

"I'll go with you"Xuan said as he was about to stand up but Zhan stopped him

"It's ok,I can manage,just wait for me here"Zhan said and Xuan nodded as Zhan went inside to find the bathroom he doesn't really needed to go to the bathroom he just wanted to get away,he stopped to a garden with fountains and there's some lights above and on the plants,for him it was beautiful and he was alone there

He sat down near the fountain looking at the stars(Yibo's birthday party was held at night)

"It's beautiful,isn't?"Someone spoke behind Zhan that startled Zhan but he recognized the voice

"mn"Zhan replies shortly without facing back at the person and he felt that person sat behind him

"Why won't you look at me?"That person asked and Zhan sighed as he face him

"Happy birthday,Yibo"Zhan said and smiled

"Thanks,why are you here?"Yibo asked

"Shouldn't I be the one to ask you that?your the birthday boy"Zhan joked and they both chuckled

"I just wanted some fresh air before the party starte and I don't want to face some flashing cameras out there"Yibo replied and Zhan hummed

"We better go,your uncle said the party will begin in any minute"Zhan said as they both got up from their seat and went towards the party

"The birthday celebrant is here,everyone,this is the superstar Wang Yibo my son"Yibo's mom said as she was holding the mic infront of everyone and Yibo went towards her
"Happy birthday my darling"she greeted same as his father

"Thank you mom,dad"Yibo said and hugged them

"Happy birthday Yibo!"Zoey said as she went towards Yibo and hugged him at the same time kissed his cheeks and cameras were flashing at them as Zhan froze at his seat

"You ok?"Xuan asked Zhan as he notice his gaze at his cousin and sighed
"You could talk to him"Xuan said and Zhan shooked his head at him

"'s ok"Zhan replied and fix his gaze at the other direction

The party started and every guest were greeting Yibo and eating while drinking some beer and wine

Xuan stood up from his seat getting the attention of the Wang and Xiao family but he didn't mind it as he pulled Zhan's wrist and lead him inside the mansion

Yibo was about to follow them but his mok stopped him

"Let them have a good time right now dear,focus of Zoey"His mom said that made him felt irritated and Zoey noticed it and sighed

My ex is a Superstar (YiZhan ff) Completed short storyWhere stories live. Discover now