In Another World???

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ok so i decided to make yjh and kdj married in this fic cuz i want some fluff too so anyone who isn't comfortable with that, feel free to leave


kdj and yjh: married

ysa and hsy: dating

lhs and jhw: married

lgy and sys: both won't admit they like each other

ljh: still single but hangs out with ghost Kim Namwoon a lot ;)))



When they reached the other side of the portal, the next thing they knew was that they had transported to a cave? Or maybe a dungeon?? Well, they transported to one of them and were faced with a lot bloodthirsty monsters.

Well, f*ck.

Yoo Jonghyuk instantly stood in front of Kim Dokja, followed by Han Sooyoung, Jung Heewon, Yoo Sangah, Lee Hyunsung and the two kids.

"BAAHT!!!" (translation:HOW ABOUT ME????) said Biyoo, breaking the fourth wall just like her father.

Ah, yes, Biyoo was still on top of Dokja's head.

Kim Dokja, who spoke very good Biyoo, thought the author shouldn't have forgotten his daughter.

(stfu Kim Dokja at least you're not writing this and don't forget your fate is in MY hands)

It had truly been a long time, hadn't it?

The members took a stance and fought.

It should have disgusted them, but the smell of blood was actually nostalgic.

(I don't know how to draw fight scenes but here goes nothing)

Heewon dashed straight towards an orc twice her size before slicing it right down the middle like butter. She didn't even need to use 'Judgement time' anymore to cut down someone four times her size.

Lee Hyunsung stood at the back at the ready for any sneak attacks with story metal.

The two kids tamed a few monsters and made them kill their own kind.

Yoo Jonghyuk was cutting down monsters in a split second with practised ease.

Lee Jihye cut down a few more orcs. (sry for giving ljh a trash fighting description, i ran out of ideas for her)

Yoo Sangah used her rope to tie up some monsters while Han Sooyoung burned them to ashes.

All in all it was a gruesome scene.

And Kim Dokja? He stood there calmly and looked down at the golden thread currently preventing him from moving. He could have easily snapped the thread but then he would face the wrath of his companions so he was wise enough to not do that.

But he was proud.

He was proud that his companions were strong enough to not need his help anymore.

He smiled. Not his unlucky smile, but a soft, earnest smile that the company members saw more of these days.

In under a minute, the hundreds of monsters surrounding them previously were all dead on the floor.

"Aaaah, I miss this." He definitely shouldn't cross Heewon.

"Hyung, did you see! I totally killed more monsters than Shin Yoosung!!!"

"WHATTT!? I definitely killed more than you!"

"NUH-UH!!!" Ah, the kids were fighting again.

"Your'e lucky you have us ahjussi, you know?" Of course he did. But he didn't want to hear that from Jihye.

"Dokja-ssi! Your'e not hurt right?" Lee Hyunsung really should stop worrying so much.

"I'll untie you now, Dokja-ssi." Please do.

"Did you see that, rat?" How could he not. Not that he'd say that to Han Sooyoung and boost her already inflated ego.

"Kim Dokja."


"Are you okay?"

And let's not forget his dear protagonist. And now husband.

"I'm fine, Jonghyuk-ah. I didn't even do anything."


He truly loved him. didn't he?

This was nice.

While Kim Dokja listened to the company members whine to him, he felt a strong prescence behind him, lurking in the shadows.

He turned around and smiled.

"You can come out now, oh mysterious person-hiding-in-the-shadows."

(Next chap is sjw!!Hooray!!i prob won't be able to post tmr so i might post another chapter today. Hope u had fun reading!)

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