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So i went to Mcdonalds for a mcflurry and when the lady gave me my mcflurry i said thank you and my voice CRACKED.

i legit said "Thank YoOU" *commits unalive*


aw yea it's big brain time


Kimcom, Jinwoo and Jinho were hanging out at the Ahjin guild building, Jinho working hard to take down anyone simping over Jinwoo on *insert social media name* as Vice-president. (i don't ship them btw)

Jihye was typing intently on her laptop. She was an avid joongdok fanfic writer and as an admiral, she was loyal to her ship. But this time, it was different.

This time, it was a Sangsoo fanfic.

That's right, a Sangsoo fanfic.

'oh well, bathroom break~' She thought. She asked Jinwoo for the directions to the bathroom and left the lounge.

Sooyoung, the curious author she was sneaked a peak at Jihye's laptop.

'Lol another Joongdok fic' she thought. Little did she know she was wrong. Oh so wrong.

What a perfect time to embarrass the squid.

"Hey guys look at this." Dokja already had a bad feeling.

Speaking of Dokja, Jonghyuk was still snuggling him. Arms around his waist and nosing his neck as the reader read his webnovel.

Sooyoung began reading the fic out loud.

By then, Jihye came back from the bathroom and was flustered that her fanfic was being read out load.

But something was wrong. Sooyoung abruptly stopped her reading. She finally figured it out. It wasn't a Joongdok fanfic. She blushed lightly.'Shit'

But Dokja, the perceptive rat he is, figured it out too and snatched the laptop from her.


"Heh." He grinned. It was payback time.

Then he continued reading it. B*tch.

And the rat just had to use a dramatic tone. What a great best friend.

Heewon was cackling so loud Sooyoung was surprised she hadn't thrown up her lungs yet.

Hyunsung smiled apologetically at Jinwoo.

The kids were wheezing and rolling around on the carpet. (including Biyoo in human form)

Sangah smirked knowingly at Sooyoung, biting her lips and shoulders trembling from holding in laughter. Traitor.

Even Jonghyuk  smiling. Well whatever, his husband was having fun. (Dokja's still on his lap y'know)

Jinwoo didn't get it but understood at the same time. 'Does this happen often...?'

Once Dokja reached the part where Jihye left off, Sangah called out Sooyoung.

"Sooyoung-ah, can I see you outside?"

"Uhh-" Sangah grabbed her had and pulled her outside.

The door clicked shut. The room was silent.

"S-Sangah?" You could hear Sooyoung call out.

Then they made out.



We got sangsoo this time

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!See you next chap!!

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