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Jinwoo had booked an a-rank gate and expected to clear it alone, with his shadows, like he always did.

However the sight before him was jaw-dropping.

Nine people and one cloud looking creature had just exited a portal that came from no where. Jinwoo activated [Stealth] and hid behind a pillar/boulder and saw that the people were fighting the monsters.

But that wasn't it. Jinwoo, the power-hungry guy, couldn't do anything when his jaw-dropped at the astounding display of power before him.

But there was one person in a white coat who wasn't fighting, along with the cloud-creature.

Well, it was more like he couldn't because of the golden string wrapping around him.

But Jinwoo had honed his skills enough to realize that the strongest person here was the man in white.

Saying Jinwoo was shocked was an understatement.

How could someone be that powerful?

Why wasn't he fighting?

What was the cloud on his head?

Was he a player?

So many questions but no answers.

They managed to defeat monsters from an a-rank dungeon in less than a minute. AND THEY DIDN'T EVEN LOOK TIRED???

Who in the  a b s o l u t e  f*ck were they??

The people seemed to flock around the man in white.It seemed that he was their leader. One person in particular seemed closer to him than the rest. A man dressed in nothing but black with a matching coat as the man in white except his was black.

Then, the man in white turned around to face him, even though he couldn't see Jinwoo and called out, "You can come out now, oh mysterious person-hiding-in-the-shadows."

How did the man sense him when he had activated stealth?

Well there was no point in hiding now so Jinwoo stepped out from the shadows and asked,"Who are you?"

The people surrounding him moved behind the man in white.

"It's rude to ask someone who they are before introducing yourself, no?"

Ah, this man was definitely someone he shouldn't mess with.

"My name is Sung Jinwoo, the 'Shadow Monarch'. So who are you?"


Finally, the mysterious man whose name seemed to be Sung Jinwoo had revealed himself.

"I'm Yo-"

Kim Dokja then realised he couldn't use that name anymore.

"Kim Dokja. My name is Kim Dokja."

"Well, Kim Dokja, how did you get in here?"

Now normally, this swindling squid would have lied straight from his ass but he knew that he'd give the author a headache if he didn't tell the truth, so he did.

(Thank you very much)

"We come from a different world."

"Different world?"

Just as Kim Dokja was about to answer, he heard a deadly snarl from his side. It seemed they still had company.

"We shouldn't discuss this here. It's dangerous."

"I agree."

(I'm too lazy to write another fight scene so..)

They defeated the dungeon boss in 10 min. 10 MINS.

Jinwoo knows for sure now. Kim Dokja was strong.

Really strong.

'not bad y'know. Kid's got skills.' Kim dokja thought.

"So, how do we get out of here?"

The company members nodded.

"Ah right, follow me, Kim Dokja-ssi."


And so, they left the A-rank gate.

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