Boom, get scared

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Ok so a bit of a plot twist this chapter

just remembered i had this so

just remembered i had this so

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"Let's get a divorce."

Jonghyuk saw his life (lives) flash before his eyes, He almost started crying. Almost.

Dokja, panicked at the reaction, quickly reassured him.

"I was kidding! Kidding!" His back and ass was still sore.

"Don't joke about that again."


"Ayyo ahjussi we're going to the haunted house at an amusement park, you're coming with us whether you like it or not and bring master."

"No shit."

And Dokja ended the call.


So here they were, standing in front of the haunted house with Kimcom and Jinwoo, crowds of people walking past them or whispering about them but did they give a f*ck? No.

"Heh. As this if is gonna be scary." Han Sooyoung muttered.

(aight i gotta go buy a latte be back in a sec)

(Turns out the shop is closed, change of plans we heading to mcdonalds)

(I now have a mcflurry)

They looked at the poorly decorated entrance, shared a look, and headed in.

Not surprisingly, none of the jumpscares were scary.

A man with what seemed like a white towel over his head that reached his knees leaped out to the shadows. Secretive Plotter could rock that look in his sleep and Jinwoo could've leaped from that shadow so terrifyingly that even s-ranks would scream.

The group stared at him, not a single stroke of fear in their eyes.

It wasn't in the slightest bit scary.

So they took matters into their own hands.

They asked around for the owner and walked towards him.

"Oi, you there, can we do the scaring for a while?"

"Fine. But you won't be paid!"

"Not a problem."

['Demon king transformation' has been activated!]

Jet-black wings grew from Dokja's back and ebony horns grew from his head. His eyes glowed blue. (it would make more sense for them to glow red but i like it when his eyes glow blue, it looks cool) 

Shadows were bubbling and rose from Jinwoo's shadow.

Jonghyuk? He stood there. His glare was enough to send someone running.

Sooyoung was ready to light something on fire and Sangah made golden cobwebs with her string and tied some string from the entrance to the exit, a false sense of safety.

Gilyoung tamed a few insects and led them to crawl on the floor and some props. Yoosung tamed a black cat and placed it on a wall, where it's yellow eyes would stare at anyone who passed.  

Now, every single person who walked past fainted. Every. Single. One.

The haunted house was a success.

Business was booming.

At the end of the day, they went home, satisfied that they had scared a quarter of Seoul's population.


The ending was a bit abrupy. sorry bout that

Hope you enjoyed today's chapter!! See you next chapter!!!! >3<

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