WTF (3)

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I am rapidly losing braincells from talking to the dude in front of me and the dude beside me. They're all dumbasses

im binging anime while writing this btw


Jinwoo summoned his Demon Daggers as his eyes glowed a misty purple.

For some unknown reason, his daggers seemed to vibrate, basking in the reader's presence.

"Hyung, Are you somehow related to a demon king?"

"Hmm? Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, i'm a demon king." As if proving his statement, midnight black wings grew from his back and ebony horns grew from the crown of his head.

"Oh cool, that makes sense."

"Ok then."

The three buffoons eyes widened, a perfect circle. 




'NO WAY????'

"Welp, let's get started then."

"Yeah sure."

The reader's eyes glowed blue as he unlocked more of his status with a devilish smile, most befitting of a demon king. The audience felt shivers rack through their spines.

The demon daggers vibrated enthusiastically, a small smirk but a smirk nonetheless on the shadow monarch's face.

And then they disappeared.

...And reappeared right in front of each other, a hair's breath away, with daggers pointing at Dokja's leg and stomach while Unbreakable Faith pointed right at Jinwoo's neck. Like a standoff.

Meanwhile, veins were bulging from Jonghyuk's head and neck and he was being held back my Sooyoung because of the close proximity between 'that man' and Dokja. 

"O-Oi, calm down!"

The sunfish practically growled.

Oh shit.

The audience could feel the bloodlust.


"Mind moving Jinwoo?"

"That's my line Hyung."

(Yjh went mad in the background, glaring daggers at Jinwoo)

Jinwoo, suddenly skidded a few meters away from Dokja, cutting the suspense.

"Hehe, winner." Dokja said, smiling like an idiot. An admittedly very lovable idiot.

(now yjh was glaring at the readers and author. Pls attend my funeral.)

(To: yjh:  im the reason u and kdj are married u cant kill me)

"Well it was either dodging or dying so i'd choose the former."

"I'd choose the latter though-"


"Say that again?"

"You'd what now?"

Dokja chuckled nervously. "You know i was just kidding right?"

"I hope so."

"My turn." Jonghyuk said still glaring at the author, albeit a little less fiercely. (it's an improvement)

He basically pushed (a little gently) Jinwoo away and stood in front of Dokja. He was getting pretty pissed because of all these people (ppl he knows) getting so close to his Dokja, even if it was just a game.

Well, whatever, it's his turn now.

He unsheathed his Black Demon Sword and took a stance similar to Dokja's. He couldn't help it, they had been fighting fighting together for an untold amount of time.


sry to leave it like this but i need to go to sleep soon

Hope you enjoyed today's chapter!!! See you next chapter!!! 

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