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im so sry for the late chapter but i am getting NO IDEAS.

this fic is gunna end soon but i dunno how to end it thanks but no thanks shrimp for your angsty suggestion cuz hell nah.

Might start a new au tho a Komi cant communicate x ORV one 

update on the butterfly thing: butterfly still has not been found and idk where the frick is it.


In the middle of a canvas of blood and dead bodies, Jinwoo stood. Tall and demanding, a contrast to his lazy aura.

"Haah." He sighed

"Finally." He whispered as he looked up at the purple-red skies, eyes holding mysteries sherlock holmes could never dream of solving, dark as fatigue weighed his limbs.

The dark armour wrapping around his figure like a second skin started to dissipate, receding into his shadow. He couldn't sense any other prescence, thus deeming it safe. For now.

After spending god knows how long here, not able to eat or drink anything - not like he needed it - doing nothing but fight, fight, fight and fight, one couldn't say that he wasn't tired. He was beyond exhausted.

He wanted to go home. 


'Where was home again?' He thought as he looked at the countless of corpses laid before him, lifeless, practically begging for mercy. It was too late though. Or was it?

The only memory he had at this point was a faint voice of a young girl and her sparkling eyes as she told him about her test results. A woman in her forties, smiling down at him and indescribable warmth. 

Warmth. The word itself was enough to make his eyes soften. For someone like Jinwoo who was someone who provided another chance for the cold souls of empty corpses, warmth was a luxury.

Well did it matter now? It was over.

Finally, finally, finally over.

He could go home.

He closed his eyes.


The first thing he sensed after opening his eyes were children laughing. Huh?

As his eyes focused, he saw that he was in the guild building, his guild building to be exact

But that's odd, shouldn't gates be nonexistent now?

The next thing he noticed was a group of people laughing and red banners tied around the lounge.

Then, a piercing pain settled in his head, but he was used to pain, so he only flinched and closed his eyes as memories that didn't belong to him flooded back to him.

About how his father was a firefighter, still alive but barely ever home.

About a regressor and a reader.

About a sword and a shield.

About an author.

About a translator.

About a beast lord and an insect king.

About a cloud?

About an admiral and a chuuni.

About parallel worlds and about the apocalypse.

About stories and constellations.

About power and pity.

About a sunfish and his salvation.

About a squid and his happily ever after.

Well that was nice.

He almost felt envious, that these people got a happily ever after. 

He wonders if he'll get one too. (sobbing)

[Welcome home.] A voice at the back of his head rings out, eerily familiar.

"Jinwoo?" Dokja suddenly calls out. "Are you okay?"

He smiles faintly. "I'm fine hyung." he says as if he'd said millions of times before.


After everyone leaves and the door clicks shut, his eyes glow a lavender purple.

"This is interesting."

"These people never showed up before."


Well here he is, standing in front of his apartment.

He's come to the realisation that this world is exactly the same as his previous one except for the new intriguing people and that no one died and his dad was still alive. Also that there was a previous Jinwoo who had lived here and that the previous Jinwoo and he had fused.

He takes a deep breath, preparing for the worst, and opens the door.

"I'm home." 

Its familiar yet unfamiliar, the way the words roll on his tongue.

He hears light footsteps and feels all the muscles in his body relax.

"Oppa! Welcome home! I was telling dad about Dokja and the others! Dad was finally able to come home!" Jinah, his sister, declared.

Then, two pairs of feet follow after her. 

"Welcome son."

"Hey, son! Long time no see. Ya missed your dad didn't you?"

He almost cries. Almost.

"Yeah." He says, a tremor in his voice.


The taste of his mother's home-made omelette however, leaves him sniffling, eyes red.

"Oppa? ARE YOU OKAY??"


"It's nothing." he says smiling as he wipes his eyes with his sleeve.


[It was over.]

[He was home.]

He didn't mind living in this world after all.


next chapter might be the ending :) 



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