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We getting sum FLUFF this chap

why do the veins in my hand hurt so much when i bend my fingers???

me: *has tons of hw to do*

also me: welp better go add another chapter

p.s. forgot to mention but i'll try to upload daily, unless i'm REALLY busy


The second Dokja's body hit the mattress, all the energy left in him was gone.

Biyoo landed on a pillow and instantly fell asleep.

"Dokja, get up you need to bathe." (*screams* FIRST NAME BASISSSS)


"Dokja, get up."

In an act of refusal, Dokja hugged a pillow and turned his head away from his husband.


Dokja yelped as his body was easily lifted off the bed and bridal-carried to the bathroom.

'I need to feed him more...' Jonghyuk thought.

"Lemme gooooo :(((("

"We need to shower." Meanwhile Jonghyuk was internally screaming about how adorable Dokja was. (made his kokoro go doki doki)

"UGH." (Kdj's a whole ass mood tbh)

Jonghyuk placed Dokja down, removed both of their clothes and they sat down in the tub. (SRY BUT NOTHING HAPPENED. NOTHING EXPLICIT HAPPENING IN THIS FIC.)

"Ahhhh...." Dokja sighed contentedly.

After they finished Jonghyuk carried Dokja to the bedroom -Dokja was too lazy to move by himself- and placed him down on the bed. He joined him and Dokja immediately clung to him like a koala. Biyoo unconsciously shifted nearer to Dokja's face.(she's still in dokkaebi form btw) 

After all the shit they went through throughout their life, Dokja and Jonghyuk were touch-starved. They craved affection but held back. They built a wall between themselves and others.

But here, cuddled together under a blanket, with no constellations and no scenarios to bother them, they felt happy.

They fell asleep with smiles on their faces.


Now, waking up to see Dokja's face in the sunlight was a HUGE bonus to getting married.

Jonghyuk's heart clenched.

He couldn't resist peppering Dokja's face with kisses.

He got up reluctantly and left to get groceries for breakfast.


The loss of heat next to him eventually woke up Dokja.

He got up groggily, sleep still possessing him, and walked towards the kitchen where his husband would be cooking breakfast.

He might've slammed his head on a wall a few times on his way there too.

But, when he got there,

Jonghyuk wasn't there.



Suddenly all the sleep left from his body and he snapped his eyes wide open.

He ran around the house but he couldn't find him.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. SHIT.


Dokja panicked.

He basically flew towards his phone and dialled Jonghyuk's number.

After one ring the call got accepted. (yjh's so whipped)



"I'm buying groceries."

Jonghyuk heard some shuffling and got worried.

"What happened?"

"You idiot, I thought you got kidnapped or something." Dokja flopped on the floor.

"I didn't want to wake you up."

"Just...get home soon."



By this point Biyoo had already woken up. She floated to Dokja on the floor and landed on his face.


"It's nothing Biyoo-yah. Sorry for waking you up. I might've overreacted."

"Baaaaht." (translation: I bet you did)

"Ouch. Critical hit."


I literally forgot about biyoo and had to add her in last second. Im sorry biyoo

istg the reason i wrote this fic was for joongdok PDA and fluff and sjw just there as a third-wheel

I hoped you enjoyed this chapter!!

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