WTF (2)

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So the comments in the previous chapter were pretty violent.

And i love it.

so the plan was for the dudes who dissed dokja to be shell-shocked.

But now? Oh now they're getting their asses kicked.



"If it's ok, i'd like to go next." Hyunsung stood up timidly.

"Sure." Dokja said.

Hyunsung stood in front of the reader and in the next second his whole hand had turned to steel.

'It sure has been a while huh?'

"I won't hold back."

Hyunsung eyes shone.


The next second a great gush of wind and electricity filled the gym. The girl hunters were upset when the static electricity messed up their hair.

Dokja smiled. 

He kinda missed this.

But the 3 mob characters who were contributing the most to Dokja's slandering snickered. They were fools to think that the electricity had come from the strong bulky man who's arm was currently steel.

As if mocking them, blue electricity flared around Dokja.

He unsheathed Unbreakable Faith and aimed at Hyunsung's leg.

Immediately, Hyunsung's leg turned metal too.


"Heh, that weak idiot can't hurt someone like that buff dude."

More giggles and sniggers were heard.


Hyunsung's led de-metalified and Dokja aimed at Hyunsung's shoulder. Hyunsung used his arm to block it.

And like that, the fight proceeded.







It was a well-fought spar but the winner was already determined.

(currently cringing at my own writing)

(i suddenly want noodles)

Dokja striked once more and the shield (?can i even call him that?) lost his footing and fell down.


"Ahaha, good game Dokja-ssi!"

"You too Hyunsung-ssi."

Dokja helped Hyunsung up and patted his shoulder.

"You're doing great. It was a good fight."

Hyunsung looked like he was about to cry. "Dokja-ssi..."

"Thank you!!"

As Hyunsung walked back to the companions with a spring in his step, the tree buffoons jeered again.

"Hah. It was just a coincidence."

"Pure luck."


More giggling.

"I'll go next!" Heewon said.

"Go easy on me." 


Heewon and Dokja took a stance, fire and electricity bubbling around their frames.

Then they both took off, Judgement sword and Unbreakable faith equipped in their hands.

The sound of metal agains metal filled the room along with the two people disappearing and reappearing at random places.

Finally, finally, the  spar ended, with the reader pointing his sword at Heewon's neck, both heaving.

"Good game."


Hyunsung and Jonghyuk walked towards them and handed them a water bottle each. (yjh and lhs so whippedddddd)



"That was amazing Heewon! It was really cool." Hyunsung excaimed eyes sparkling.

"Ahaha, thanks."

"Ew, no PDA." Jihye said, sticking out her tongue.

"You like it when it YOUR  ship though?"

"Of cours-"

"I'll go next!" Sooyoung said and shoved everyone a good distance away, givind the reader and writer a lot of space.

"Better not go easy on me, squid." She grinned.

"Oh? Or will I?" He grinned back.

Sooyoung unwrapped the bandage on her hand and cackled as her hands were enveloped by fire, purple with a hint of black.

The audiences jaw dropped.

Dokja's eyes glowed blue as he unboxed a bit of his status and set Unbreakable Faith to the fire attribute.

Sangah stood at the side, hands holding her golden thread, ready to stop any bloodshed. She hadn't wanted to participate, a shame.

the fight was menacing, safe to say. 

Fire flashed here and there.

Red met purple.

It was a magnificent scene.

But for plot purposes, the reader won.

"Dammit." Sooyoung huffed, breathless.

"Not bad, Author-nim."

Sooyoung flipped him off.

"Now then, it's Jinwoo's turn."


It took me hours to finish this

I prob won't upload tmr bc i have ALOT of hw to do


Hope you enjoyed today's chapter!! See you next chapter!!!

(a little fanart i found)

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(a little fanart i found)

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