WTF (1)

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Ive been straight up wheezing at the photo above the title for 5 mins straight my lungs hurt 

thanks @Shrimps4Chicken for this idea!!! Also 

me putting in all my braincell into this chapter like:


How dare?

As Kimcom and Jinwoo - who came to see their skills and train a little - entered the association building to train, they heard snickers and mocking laughter about their leader/hyung.

'What the f-*beep*'

How dare? How dare  they? How dare they talk like that when they don't know shit. How dare they  talk like that when they didn't witness the man they were currently slandering's sacrificing? His kindness and resentment? His life and death? His power and weakness?

They couldn't take it.

Obviously, they had faced worse. Much, much, much worse. 

But that didn't mean that their temper had gone down. Heck, even Sangah and Hyunsung - resident angels (Sangah is debatable) - were pissed. Even Jinwoo - who had only met the squid for a months but quickly adapted - was irked.

They think their hot stuff just because a a black sphere said they were strong? A rank, B rank, S rank or whatever? Aw hell nah.

They would be proved sorely mistaken. Soon. Soon. They had to be patient.

And while his companions were here plotting revenge (murder), Dokja continued walking. Because you know his nature. Did you really think this sacrificing squid would give a shit? No.

But his companions do. They really, really do. 

And Dokja remained oblivious, donned in a black dress shirt and black slacks with his all too familiar white coat. What an absolute idiot.

Anyways, they'd make those mfs pay. They just had to wait a little. Something they've already perfected in.(kinda)

As they emitted strong killing intent, Dokja walked them over to an empty spot in the gym. (i still don't know what the building's called)

just then, Jihye's inner fanfic writer had an idea. To be honest, she was also pissed that those b*stards were talking about her (ugly) ahjussi like that.

"Hey why don't we all spar against ugly ahjussi?"

"I'm still called ugly?-"

"Oh, not a bad idea."

"Mn." (guess who said this)


"Where were those braincells when you entered college?"



"Sounds good."

"I can't use my shadows right?" 

"Yea you can't that'd be unfair."


"Well, I guess if you all want to do it then sure." Dokja voiced, oblivious to their hidden intent.

"Great, then who goes first?"


"Ok then."

Dokja took a stance, smiling softly. More snickers were heard throughout the gym.

"He won't stand a chance."

"Look how thin his arms are."

"Are you sure he didn't cheat and become S-ranks? Or maybe they bribed the worker?"

The killing intent from the companions grew 3 times thicker. Those f*ckers-




Gilyoung used his ultimate move.


Very effective.



"He used his ultimate move." Heewon says, eyebrows furrowing in genuine concern.

"Dokja doesn't stand a chance."

"Dammit, you insect lover, had to steal my chance."


Dokja exclaimed. Critical hit.


Dokja dramatically fell to his knees and muttered,

"I've been defeated."

And then began to coo at Gilyoung, like the dad he is.



Yoosung stomped over to Gilyoung and forcibly removed him from Dokja as he huffed indignantly.

The reader got up and took another stance.

Yoosung smiled and used a move too overpowered. Overpowered enough to kill Dokja.




"I can't anymore." 

And then Dokja proceeded to coo at Yoosung too. She stuck her tongue out at Gilyoung.

"Heh. Now me."

Jihye stepped up confidently.

She took a deep breath and made puppy eyes at Dokja.

No reaction.

"Hurry up, Jihye."

"Your'e biased ugly ahjussi." She glared at him.

"Yeah yeah, get on with it."

The other people in the gym, who were quiet until now-the author definitely didn't forget about them-were mocking him for losing to kids so easily.

Dokja and Jihye took a stance.

In a split second, Jihye disappeared and reappeared with her blade pointing to Dokja's neck.

[ Instant kill ]

Dokja's eyes glinted as he stepped back to avoid the blade and he used way of the wind to make the admiral lose her footing.


Jihye grumbled under her breath as she got up, glared at Dokja -with no actual fire behind it- and walked back to her companions.

Dokja smiled at her, "Better luck next time."

"Who's next?"


Im rapidly losing my braincells and i have a sh*t ton of hw to do T T

Thx again @Shrimps4Chicken and @Angy_Biyoo for this idea!!


Hope you enjoyed today's chapter!! See you next chapter!!

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