Always thinking of you

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A/N: Okay to this is my second fanfic ever and my second one of GreenxRed. Hope you like it! It's a bit different from my last one. (Okay, very different.) Relax and Read on.

A green motorcycle parked in the school parking lot. The tall boy pulled off his black helmet and raked a hand through his spikey brown hair. He held his helmet in his right hand and cut through the crowd, heading into the school. Just before he reached his locker, he was cut off by a golden-eyed boy.

"Hey Green, did you do the homework for forensics?" Green openly scowled at his-for some strange unknown reason- friend.

"Gold, you have to start doing your own homework man." Gold smiled sheepishly, but shrugged. Green playfully huffed as he continued walking towards his locker, Gold walking next to him, anxiously waiting to receive Green's homework. Green placed his helmet in his locker and handed his backpack to Gold, who reached in, searching for the homework. Once Gold was done, Green grabbed the textbooks he would need for the day before grabbing his skateboard and placing it on the floor.

"So, are you ready for tomorrow's game?" Gold asked Green as he rode next to him. Gold asked simply to ask, knowing Green, the school's key basketball player, was always ready for a game, Green's smirk said just as much.

Just as Gold reached out to push open the cafeteria doors, they blasted forward as someone crashed into Gold, causing him to fall back.

"Watch it Gold!" Silver, an angry red haired boy with silver eyes, glared at Gold, practically snarling his words. Silver rushed past while Blue, Silver's older sister with brown hair and blue eyes, came running after him.

"Silver?! What's wrong? Wait up!" Gold looked back at their fading figures, sadness consuming his facial features. Gold and Silver used to be great friends, but for some unknown reason Silver had begun pushing him away until their relationship became what it is today. Gold missed Silver, as much as he tried to deny it. Everytime he sees him, whether it was from afar or close, the pain in his chest reverberates through him, it's pain never getting any less.

"Come on Gold, let's go." Gold stood up with the help of Green's outstretched hand. Both boys were not afraid of bonding as they've had physical contact during practice before with nothing happening. As the boys entered the cafeteria, they stayed clear of the bonded couples in their own little worlds.

When someone finds their "soulmate" they become bonded. Once bonded, it can never be broken, not that those bonded would ever want it to be. The person you're bonded to is perfect for you in every way, or so Green and Gold have heard. There's not only one person, soulmate, out there for you though. There can be many possible candidates throughout the world. When your soul touches another persons soul, through the help of physical contact, your soul reads theirs and vice versa, and if they are a match, the bond begins. The bond is only sealed when both people acknowledge the bond and fall in love. Before the physical contact though, there is no possible way for anyone to tell who is a possible "soulmate", but once the soul has found it's mate, it stops looking and no other soul can claim it as a mate.

Both boys sat at a table with the other basketball players and ate their breakfast, patiently waiting for the first bell to ring, signaling the start of the school day. Green tried his hardest to resist the urge, but just couldn't do it. He glanced over at the table in the corner, or more specifically, the lone boy sitting at said table. He was always there, listening to music, alone. Occasionally a blonde haired girl would join him or Silver and Blue, but normally he was alone. It became a habit to pass the time by watching him. Today his head was lying down on the table and he appeared to be... napping? Green felt a small smirk form on his face, attempting to become a smile. He didn't even know the boy's name, yet, every morning, Green took to watching him.

Everyday guilt flooded through Green after this though. He may not have found his soulmate yet, but he felt as though he was betraying her. Green shut his eyes tight and tried to push away the guilt. It's not betraying her. It's not like you like him or anything, he's just... different.

Unlike everyone else, that boy was real. He didn't try to suck up to the popular kids or the teachers, he was himself. It was a quality Green found very redeeming.

When Green did open his eyes, it was to see Black, a boy with brown hair and eyes, who Green only knew thanks to White, reaching out to shake the boy awake. For those few seconds, as Green watched Black's hand slowly extend forward, true fear coursed through him. What if they mate? I mean, I know the same genders mating is rare but... it happens right? Please no. Green knew he had no reason to worry, because, of course he didn't like the boy like that... right?

Green's heart rate decreased back to normal as nothing happened when Black touched the boy and woke him up. His eyes slowly opened to meet Black's brown eyes. His red eyes looked dazed. Black leaned down and said something to him, causing a slight ache to go through Green, and he nodded and got up, leaving the cafeteria with Black. Just then, the bell rang and the students filed out. Green got up with Gold, trying to push away the strange sensations he felt when watching the red-eyed boy, and went to his first period. Of course, the red-eyed boy was floating around the edge of his thoughts, never seeming to go away, not that Green wanted him to.

A/N: So I hoped you liked it. Please comment and vote. I don't know if it was any good or if you want more though so if enough people want more then I will write more. Sayanora~

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