Damn Sweet Tooth

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A/N: Next chapter, yay! Sorry it took so long! Thanks to LunaRoseL, nonsense_words, SaishiKurenai, ShanaKonoha, WompasaurusRex, LibraCaelis, KittenCatX3, and CazRinada3 for voting for Something special about you and thanks to asterdelicacy, LaughingZuru, KittenCatX3, nonsense_words, LibraCaelis, LunaRoseL, WompasaurusRex, and Skullyton for commenting of Something special about you R&R!


Green sat in his English class staring down-more like trying to burn with his eyes- the test in front of him. What's the answer? Come on... Think!

Green mentally rolled his eyes. Duh, it's 24.

What?! That can't be... Green starred at the paper before him filled with grammatical errors, not seeing any numbers.

Yes, it is 24, there's no other answer that it could possibly be! X=24

X?! What x? Green searched the paper again, but found nothing.

Green felt like closing his eyes and rubbing the bridge of his nose to help clear his frustration. Arceus I'm arguing with myself about a simple math problem.

Math?! Why did I think math?! This is English class! Focus Green! Heshook his head.

Wait... Green?! What?!

Yes stupid, it's your name. Green rolled his eyes.

N-no, my name is Red... Green started to feel incredibly dizzy. Oh Arceus... Green and I must have-

Oh Arceus we started to bond! Green felt so happy at the prospect of him and Red as a bonded couple. Distantly he could feel Red's happiness and the reason behind said happiness and he couldn't hold back a chuckle. Green felt Red's embarrassment which brought a smile to his face. I always knew there was something special about you... Red. Green could feel Red's heart beat in his own chest, speeding up each time Green thought to him. The class around him seemed to blur as he gladly continued the conversation in his head.

Green soon discovered how to send thought directly to Red and keep some thoughts to himself. He also learned how to send an action, such as caressing Red's cheek, to him making Red blush. Green could even flip though memories of Red, and Red could flip through his own. They were connected in such an intimate way.

Red Green could feel Red's heart rate speed up each time he said his name.

Yes Green? Green sent an image of him lightly running his fingers through the boys hair and felt his shiver in response, causing Green to smirk.

Have lunch with me.

Okay. Red wasted no time in agreeing, for he wanted to spend the most time he could with Green.

Just then the bell rang, signaling for lunch. Just in time. Red chuckled in response.

After turning in his empty test, Green met up with Gold, like he usually does, but his friend seemed to be in deep thought. Green nudged Gold slightly, causing him to snap his head up to look at Green in shock. "He man, what's up?" Gold opened his mouth, as if to speak, then changed his mind last second.

"It's nothing Green."

"What's wrong Green?" Red came bounding up to Green, no doubt feeling his worry through their bond. Green smiled lightly and reached out to grab Red's hand, but Gold's voice stopped him.

"Red, what are you doing here?" Gold was very taken aback that the red-eyed boy, known for not speaking, especially at an octave in which people can hear, spoke to Green in such a way.

Red looked down, his hair effectively covering his blush from Gold, but made Green snicker as he could feel the boy's blush on his own cheeks, almost as if it were his own. Green reached forward and intertwined his fingers with Red's. Instantly their hearts synchronized. Green could feel Red's heart beating next to his own and vice versa. Red's blush only deepened and understanding flashed through Gold's eyes. Green was expecting a congratulations from his friend, though the bond was still only partial, but instead all he saw was sadness shining in his golden eyes. No doubt he was thinking of Silver.

Green felt sympathy coming off Red in waves, no doubt he had picked up bits and piecing from Green's mind. Though, from the outside, Red seemed to be the least interested person, he was wondering if there was a way he could talk to Silver about this without offending his friend. Green kissed Red's head lightly, making the boy blush to the tips of his ears-earning him a mental smack on the arm. Green was touched either way that Red cared for Green's friend.

"Alright guys, let's head to the cafeteria and get some grub." Green and Red walked hand-in-hand next to a sulking Gold. Once in the cafeteria, Red made a beeline for the dessert table while Green and Gold went looking for real food.

Hey! I eat real food!

Red, cookies and cakes are not food. Red pouted but obliged Green and picked out a pizza, piling it on top of the small pile of desserts on his plate.

Well, it's a start. Green went to join Red at his table instead of joining his teammates. The change, though most would have thought would go unnoticed, was noticed by everyone. Green, the basketball star sitting with the quiet and mysterious red-eyed boy?!

As soon as Red took his seat next to Green, Green pulled his head toward him and kissed it lightly before letting the boy indulge his sweet tooth. Shock visibly went through the student body as each squirmed and fidgeted in their seat to either gossip, or get a better look of the new pair. Red was too engrossed in 'meal' to really notice while Green just sat down and enjoyed the food before him. Occasionally Green would snatch a sweet from Red's plate, obviously irritating the boy, but Red let him nonetheless, shocking Black who sat in front of them both.

"I can't believe Red is letting you have his food! Normally the only person he lets do that is Yellow." Which made the blonde girl sitting next to Red, Yellow, blush a light shade of pink. Flipping through Red's mind, purely out of curiosity-no other reason, Green could see that Red had always thought of Yellow like a little sister. While he was on that track, he followed the sequence of events and saw Red's memory of Yellow and how the Principal tried to make her run for the school. That explains why Red is now in the track team!! Wait... that bastard!! How dare he! Green felt extreme anger coursing through him. He stood up, prepared to storm into the office and tell the Principal exactly what he, AND his grandfather, thought of how he treated his students, especially Red!

Red quickly grabbed his arm, getting Green's attention, and shook his head. I've got this. A determined look settled on his face.

Red... I-... are you sure? Red just nodded. Green, reluctantly sat back down and ignored the curious glances people were giving him while Red continued eating his sweets like nothing happened. Damn sweet tooth. Red smirked.


A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed this latest chapter! Please comment and vote! Sayanora~

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