Gold x Silver

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A/N: Hey guys! Surprise update! Enjoy~!


Gold waited patiently by the front of the school for his emerald-eyed friend, his mind revolving around the day to come and last night's dinner. Upon spotting his friend's spikey brown hair, Gold rushed forward.

"Hey Green, did you do the homework for forensics?" Green openly scowled at him and Gold had the decency to at least look a little embarrassed.

"Gold, you have to start doing your own homework man." Gold smiled sheepishly, but shrugged, as though it were unavoidable- which, it wasn't. Green playfully huffed as he continued walking towards his locker, Gold walking next to him, anxiously waiting to receive Green's homework. Green placed his helmet in his locker and handed his backpack to Gold, who reached in, searching for the homework. Reaching his hand into the backpack, Gold pulled out the homework he needed and slipped it into his own backpack before handing Green back his. Green grabbed the textbooks he would need for the day before grabbing his skateboard and placing it on the floor, putting his backpack away in his locker.

"So, are you ready for tomorrow's game?" Gold asked Green as he rode calmly next to him. Gold asked simply to ask, knowing Green, the school's key basketball player, was always ready for a game, Green's smirk said just as much.

Just as Gold reached out to push open the cafeteria doors, they blasted forward as someone- familiar?- crashed into Gold, causing him to fall back.

"Watch it Gold!" Silver glared at Gold, practically snarling his words. Silver rushed past while Blue came running after him, only sparing Gold a brief glance.

"Silver?! What's wrong?! Wait up!" Gold looked back at their fading figures, sadness consuming him. Gold and Silver used to be great friends, but for some unknown reason Silver had begun pushing him away until their relationship became what it is today. Gold missed Silver, as much as he tried to deny it to all his friends which knew of their past friendship. Everytime he saw him, whether it was from afar or close, the pain in his chest reverberated through him, it's pain never getting any less. What did I ever do to make you hate me so much Silv?

"Come on Gold, let's go." Green stretched down his hand to Gold, which he took gratefully.

Entering the cafeteria, both boys sat at a table with the other basketball players and ate their breakfast, patiently waiting for the first bell to ring, signaling the start of the school day- or, in Gold's case, signaling when he had to be done copying.

"Silver! Please wait up! Why are you running?!" Silver took quick strides away from the cafeteria, Blue's voice following him.

No! Don't think about that idiot! You've managed to stay away from him this long! Silver slammed the bathroom door open and stood in front of the mirror, taking in his appearance. His cheeks were much like the color of his hair now, red. Stupid Gold! Why do I-? About a bastard like that-!

Opening the tap, Silver splashed cold water on his face, trying to disperse the flush. Placing his hands on either side of the sink, he hung his head in defeat. Arceus I'm so stupid. It's all my fault. If only I didn't feel this way maybe we could... maybe I could.... A deep, long sigh escaped passed his lips, just as the school bell rang. Great. Silver left the restroom and pushed his way passed Blue, eager to get this day over and done with.

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