I'll save you

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A/N: Next chapter! Yay! Hope you guys like it! (For those of you reading my first fanfic, don't worry, I'm not neglecting it, I'm almost done with that update too) thanks to Nicolebello45, asterdelicacy, nonsense_words, ShanaKonoha, marasearles7, and KittenCatX3 for voting for Always thinking of you and thanks to asterdelicacy, KittenCatX3, Skullyton, marasearles7, nonesense_words, and Nicolebello45 for commenting on Always thinking of you. So enjoy this next chapter! Relax and Read on.


Red sat down at his usual table, which was in the corner of the, rather empty, cafeteria. Pulling out his iPod he scrolled down until he found a good song and took out his notebook to doodle.

He had just started drawing the brown spikey hair of the boy who danced on the edges of his mind as Silver plopped down with his tray next to him. Red snapped his notebook closed and shrugged off Silver's curious glance.

Red pulled out one earphone, ready to listen to Silver's daily rants. "Blue asked me about Gold, again! Why can't she just mind her own business!" Red looked at Silver steadily. "Yeah, yeah, I know she cares for me and she's worried, but seriously! I can take care of myself!" Red blinked. "Yeah, you're right I shouldn't be so hard on her... thanks Red." Red nodded, not completely sure what just happened.

Just then Blue gently placed her tray next to Silver, looking over at him warily as she sat down. Silver passed her some blueberries, his way of an apology. Blue smiled brightly, happily accepting Silver's peace offering.

Blue chatted endlessly about nothing in particular while both Silver and Red nodded, not really sure what she was saying. "... and then Mr. Garvy yelled so loudly! It was so hilari-"

"Hey, Silver!" Silver head snapped over to some kid in his chemistry class. Silver tried remembering his name, but nothing came to mind. "Gold is on his way in..." Silver instantly felt panic overtake him. Gold? Here? Now? Silver looked over to Red who nodded and tipped his hat as a goodbye.

Silver got up and grabbed his tray, rushing to throw it away. Just as he push the doors open he bumped into someone. Red starred at a shocked Blue before she took off after Silver. Too much noise.

Red put his head down and closed his eyes, listening to the beat of the music. It wasn't long before he found himself being woken up by Black, a shy normally soft spoken boy- unless you upset him.

Black leaned down and spoke into Red's ear, "Bell's going to ring, let's go before the hallway fills up." Red nodded and got up following Black to their first period, Literature.

In class Red sat next to Yellow, his sister- or at least the one he always wanted. There he handed her his iPod and let her play games as he pulled out his doodle book. He skipped over the page of the brown spikey haired boy, not wanting Yellow to see, and began doodling his beloved Pikachu. (Doodle is picture above)

The door opened causing Red to look up, expecting to see his teacher, but instead he was met with piercing green eyes that starred back at Red. Red's heartbeat quickened slightly, but he forced himself to look away.

"Green? What are you doing here?" White asked from the back of the class. So his name is Green...

"Oh... Ummm... I need to give this paper to professor-"

"What paper?" Professor Marlin came in pushing past Green. Green simply put out his hand, showing him the paper. "Ah, Yellow, the counselor wishes to see you."

Red's eyes shined with worry as Yellow passed him back his iPod and slowly stood up, walking out the door. Green continued to stare at Red, completely dumbfounded. So this is his class... and the girl with blonde hair is Yellow... Are they-?

"Anything else Mr. Oak?" Professor Marvin asked, ready to get on with the lecture.

"Huh? Oh, sorry, no sir." Green quickly walked out of the room.

Throughout the period, Red was in a daze. His thoughts revolved around Yellow and Green, the boy who, for some strange, unknown reason, fills his every thought. Red finally came to when, just before the bell, Yellow returned to her seat next to him.

"Red, what am I going to do?!" Yellow's frantic voice caused Red to sit up, worry coursing through him. "Okay, so you know how I used to run in middle school?" Red nodded, already dreading where this was going. "Well, they want me to run again, but since I broke my leg last summer I haven't been nearly as fast as I used to be. I told that to both the counselor and the Principal, but they don't believe me! They said that if I don't get the school some trophies, they'll make classes very hard for me. Oh Arceus Red, what am I going to do?!" Red's heard some very bad rumors of the school, but he never pictured this. Tears started to stream down Yellow's face.

Red angrily stood up, brushing off Yellow's arm to stop him, as she knew what he was planning to do, just as the bell rang and stormed off to the Principal's office.

"Hey, you can't go back there without a pas-" Red slammed the door behind him, effectively cutting off the secretary.

"Excuse me young man, but what do you think you are-"

"I'll run for you." Red's voice was cold and hard causing the man in front of him to feel uneasy.

"Excuse me?"

"I'll take Yellow's place and run for you. I am much faster than her. I'll win your stupid trophies for this school." It was the most Red's ever talked, but he was determined to protect his sister.

The Principal sat back in his seat and took in Red's appearance. He remembers the rumors of the record-setting track star turning down all offers to run for the top schools, so he had never bothered to try to recruit him. A wicked smile spread across his face as he sat forward once more, his elbows resting on his desk, fingers twining together. "Alright young man, you've got yourself a deal. But if you don't win a trophy within the first match, Yellow must do it all herself." Red nodded and stormed out the door, not wanting to do anything he would regret. I'll protect you yellow, whatever it takes.

A/N: So how do you like it? I tried to throw in a semi-plot so this won't be a quick fanfic, hopefully you guys liked it and will continue reading. Please comment and vote! Thanks for reading! Sayanora~

P.S I'm not sure yet what to do about the shipping of Black, White, and N (I just asked today after all) so those of you who haven't commented yet on what you want, I'm still open for it.

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