Something special about you

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A/N: Sorry it took so long, I've been having a semi writers block (hence its so short, so sorry), but I'm all better now (more or less). But here's the next chapter! Thanks to SaishiKurenai, asterdelicacy, marasearles7, KittenCatX3, CazRinada3, WompasaurusRex, nonsense_words, and ShanaKonoha for voting for the NxBlack Special and thanks to WompasaurusRex, nonsense_words, asterdelicacy, KittenCatX3, SaishiKurenai, Skullyton, LibraCaelis, and LunaRoseL for commenting on the NxBlack Special. An extra thanks to CazRinada3 for helping me work through my writers block, if not this chapter would have taken even longer! (Imagine!) R&R!


"So you're our new track star, is that right?" He simply stared at him, giving the track coach an uneasy feeling. "Well, you can start running around for warm up." Red didn't even bother nodding and just took off after the other track members, easily catching up.

Some boy with blue hair glared angrily as Red easily passed him. He caught up and stuck his foot out, effectively tripping Red and knocking him down to the floor.

"Red!" Yellow yelled, incredibly worried, and ran to Red's side. Just before she got there a brown haired boy, whose head looked more like that of a porcupine, jogged over to Red. Isn't that the guy from earlier?

Green stuck his hand out to Red, who simply glanced at it, before, hesitantly, reaching for the hand. When they touched incredible warmth flowed up their arms and a headache ensued, but nothing else. Disappointed, Red stood up and quickly let go of his hand. He nodded his thanks before continuing his jog, leaving behind a dumbfounded Green. I knew the possibility was slim, but I had still hoped....

Red jogged around the court, avoiding the blue haired boy, but at the same time, wanting to get his revenge. As much as he tried, he couldn't stop looking at Green. He felt his heart pound, then he felt disappointment, then guilt, then shame. Red was a mess.

The end of the period couldn't have come any sooner when the bell rang. Red went off to change and go to his next class, after dropping off Yellow who continued to fuss about the skid marks left behind on his right knee and shin.

As he sat in his math class, hating school, a weird thought popped into his head.

What's the answer? Come on... Think!

Red looked closer at the problem on the board and rolled his eyes at himself for being so stupid. Duh, it's 24.

What?! That can't be...

Red looked closer. Yes, it is 24, there's no other answer that it could possibly be! X=24

X?! What x?

Red closed his eyes and rubbed the bridge of his nose. Arceus I'm arguing with myself about a simple math problem.

Math?! Why did I think math?! This is English class! Focus Green!

Wait... Green?! What?! Red's eyes snapped open, startled.

Yes stupid, it's your name. Red felt himself roll his eyes, though his eyes never moved once from the back of the kid's head in front of him.

N-no, my name is Red... For a while it was silent in his head until he felt a distant dizzy feeling. He, himself, was not dizzy, but he felt it none the less. Oh Arceus... Green and I must have-

Oh Arceus we started to bond! Red could feel Green's happiness and felt happy, though also embarrassed that he was happy about Green's happiness. He felt Green's soft chuckle in the back of his mind and felt a glowing warmth that radiated into his cheeks. I always knew there was something special about you... Red.


A/N: So hoped you guys liked the chapter!! Sorry again for the shortness (I always seem to be apologizing for that huh) Please comment and vote!!! Sayanora~

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